Book Culture (or “Labyrinth” for the stubborn) has joined The Internets in the form of a new-ish blog, aptly titled Book Culture. The blog features genuinely informative posts about upcoming readings in the area, Q&As with visiting authors and tips for purchasing textbooks—though one disgruntled student explained that the best tip on buying coursebooks from […]
Columbia grad (’07) and Hilary Duff look-a-like Meghan McCain has launched a blog chronicling her dad’s (Arizona Sen. John McCain) presidential campaign. Meghan, along with someone named La-Toria Haven whom Meghan calls a “political fashionista”, and Mary Anne Huntsman (Utah Gov. John Huntsman’s daughter), are “traveling on the road with Senator McCain’s campaign and [blogging] […]
It’s time to formally welcome two new Columbia blogs to the ‘sphere. First up, The Commentariat, the new home of Spectator‘s opinion section. This time, the focus is “on the voices of individuals with specific interests and unique ideas,” opined the editor’s note. And what’s sure be remembered as the perfect commencement for such a […]
Hillary Clinton Has a Blog Adviser. Squirrel Sets Fire to Dartmouth… …and in unrelated rodent news…Don’t Go Barefoot Anywhere Anymore Eminent Domain Still on the Table. Suburbia Still Not for Judy Zuhusky. Meanwhile, is there an opinion section today? And God said, let there be opinion: “Who the fuck takes cabs?”
According to an article in New York magazine, the Bwog won’t have to worry about money after graduation, because we’ll be making bank with this newfangled web log, so long as we completely uppend the Blog power structure, that is. We’ll take all y’all on, blogitches!
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025