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Posts Tagged with "book culture"

One Bwog staffer recently discovered the Marxism and labor history sections in Book Culture, a business that boasts an… ambivalent history with leftist causes. Break out the good stuff – it’s champagne socialism! Even in New York, a city with an extensive history as a bastion of left-wing theorizing and organizing, there are few radical independent bookstores. Some may […]

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Today is Book Culture’s 20th birthday! A whopping happy birthday from Bwog! Maybe next year once you turn 21 we’ll take you out for some drinks. Head on down to their 112th location at 7 pm for a panel discussion about the ins and outs of academic publishing to celebrate. While we can in no way […]

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Classes are starting again, and textbook buying is about to suck hundreds of thousands of dollars out of the Columbia student body. Trying to stay attractive to upperclassmen and introduce itself to freshmen, Book Culture has introduced a new deal for students. The 112th Street-based academic bookstore, with other locations at 114th and Broadway and […]

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After much media attention and a protest outside of its stores, Book Culture just sent out the following email, stating that it has re-hired the four managers who were fired last week and that “there is no longer a labor dispute.” To Our Friends, We have re-hired all four store managers who were terminated last week. There is […]

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Labor-dispute Lover Maud Rozee spoke to the two sides involved in Book Culture’s recent union-related struggles. On June 26th, Gothamist reported that five of Book Cultures thirty employees claim they were fired because they voted to unionize, and that the vote was marred by unfair tactics by the owners. Today, those employees, as well as […]

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Our contest is still active. Prizes may be won by submitting (to before this coming Sunday. These sound more like seniors, Alex S. “it’s raining? I should just skip class.” These were found littered about dorms on campus by Anonymous   Our new Barnard corespondent, Jonathan R. At an impromptu Carman gathering on the first […]

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Every year news students arrive to campus a week early with spirits full of hope and minds primed for molding. Unfortunately, the earnest innocence doesn’t last long, as NSOP presents the first social and narcotic barriers to entry for the academic market, and that’s where we come in. Bwog loves observing the full spectrum of […]

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What a wild and wacky Sunday it has been! This morning, Bollinger Family Biographer Mariela Quintana spotted MrsBo herself, Jean Bollinger, buying a book of poetry at Book Culture. She was wearing Nike sneakers (the couple that jogs together, stays together!) and “seemed very intent” that the cashier run up her store credit correctly. She […]

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Book Culture is having a sale today! Take advantage of 20% of everything in both locations, with some exclusions including course books and periodicals. The sun will feel even better knowing that you’ve boycotted Barnes & Noble supported an independent bookstore. It’s the last day of break! Go wild!

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Over the weekend, Book Culture on 114th and Broadway officially opened up, taking the place of the old Morningside Books, which closed down last summer. Besides a shiny new exterior, the bookstore holds mainly fiction and nonfiction bestsellers, an intimidating rack full of Moleskine notebooks, and pretty much anything else you’d expect from a bookstore. […]

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A double dose of book news today: first, Senior Tome Correspondent Jon Hill notes that Book Culture looks to have finalized its expansion into the space formerly occupied by Morningside Books. The window sign does not give an expected opening date, but it does suggest that the new location will focus on more popular books, […]

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   Image via The best of times: Kittens need to move out of their 72nd Street apartment and into your heart (Gothamist). Freakonomics thinks your professors should pay you (NYT Freakonomics blog)! Coming soon:  more room to stand in line waiting for a friendly Labyrinth BookCulture employee to glance your way (Spec).   The […]

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Here at the Bwog, we’re fans of the underdog, the little guy, you know, the little train that could so to speak.  So when it comes to consumerism, corporations and all that jazz, we support locally-owned independent businesses.  As detailed in the current issue of The Blue and White, Morningside Heights unfortunately has succumbed to […]

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