Our newest go-to boba spot.
From a senior who’s tried (almost) all of them, a comprehensive breakdown of the boba teas to check out and the ones to avoid at Columbia’s favorite campus cafe.
On Tuesday, Barnard Dining announced several changes to its dining halls, including a new dining location opening February 13.
There comes a time when us staffers at Bwog have a little bit of a disagreement: this time it’s about the popular tea drink (or not tea) that contains tapioca (or not).
Anyone who visits Tea Magic will notice these two weird signs on the counter, alarming and urgent in the way zoo signs can say, “DO NOT feed the lions!!” The signs have been there for a while. So what exactly happens if you do speak to the tea specialist…? We asked three different Tea Magic […]
Hurry over to Low steps for the longest line you’ve ever seen! …Oh, and there’s FREE BUBBLE TEA at the end of it . We’re not quite sure what the occasion is, other than a cryptic sign labelled “China Day.” We’ll take giant quantities of tapioca and slushie fruit no matter what the excuse is, […]
What better way to supplement your Saturday night munchies with food with that is laden in festivity and easy on the wallet? The Columbia Asian American Alliance had Bwog at $1 bubble tea. Come to the Broadway room of Lerner tonight from 8 to 10 p.m. for cultureSHOCK. There will be free food made from […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
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