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Posts Tagged with "coffee"

Sometimes you have to embarrass yourself for no real reason.

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A case study on the Hewitt coffee machine chemicals and/or microplastics by Viviana Pereyo and Gina Brown

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BweeklyRoast provides weekly off-campus coffee shop reviews for students who can’t spend another waking moment at Butler. This week: Niko Coffee on Amsterdam & 113th. 

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BweeklyRoast provides weekly off-campus coffee shop reviews for students who can’t spend another waking moment at Butler. This week: Fillup Coffee in the UWS.

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The age-old question: of the two Plowshares Coffee locations near campus, which reigns supreme? Bwog has the answer.

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I asked our lovely staff for their tips and tricks on how to make the best, and hopefully most consistent and available, dining hall coffee. The results vary, but you can be sure that they range from creative and elaborate to practical and trustworthy — like our lovely Bwoggers themselves!

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On Tuesday, Barnard Dining announced several changes to its dining halls, including a new dining location opening February 13.

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Coffee soda? Don’t let the Italian department hear about this…

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Barnumbia coffee snobs—listen up. I’m pretty sure I have perfected cold brew.

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Postcrypt Coffeehouse hosted its second performance of the 2022-2023 academic year last Friday, September 30. Deputy Arts Editor Marino Bubba reviews.

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Bwog Drinks

If you’re feeling thirsty and indecisive, here’s a list of Bwog staffers’ current go-to liquid refreshments, whether we’re at Pret, Blue Java, Peet’s, John Jay.

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New guest writer and self-described coffee snob Sophie Tobin gives you all the tips for transforming Columbia’s shitty dining hall coffee into something actually palatable. Listen, I’m not a snob when it comes to most things. BUT. I’ve had the misfortune of developing a pretty snobby palette when it comes to coffee, making the dining hall […]

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When you need a pick-me-up, but also are have a refined and dainty palate, Bwog’s got you covered. Here’s my ranking of the drip coffees at coffee shops on campus. Disclaimer: Apologies up front for my very pretentious coffee descriptions–I got really into it. 1st place: UP Coffee Major notes: Sweet smell/pepper/cinnamon/astringent, but pleasant. How […]

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