Last week, many members of the Bwog staff drowned in midterms. If you are a student that wishes to reach out to our fallen members, join us in a seance with our medium: chocolate covered pretzels. In order to move on from this painful incident, bring ideas and pitches to help the spirits cross over. Don’t worry about being scared, […]
Bwog, like your average non-denominational Christian church, assembles every Sunday to meet, reflect upon the week, and plan ahead for the future. We know you didn’t go to church (what would our friend Augustine say?) so do something to cleanse your soul and come to our wholesome, totally 100% non-alcoholic, mother approved meeting tonight. As this is our […]
It’s finally warm, and Columbia noticed. Yesterday was filled with Powwow, the continuation of the Divest protest, and outdoor merriment on the lawns. Birkenstocks abound, sunglasses were everywhere, and some people even broke out their rompers. We get it, Columbia. You haven’t seen sun since last semester (or maybe since Bacchanal, but who can remember that). And […]
Happy Easter! Did you know that Easter was today? You probably did (although some of us did not). Whether you’ll be celebrating Jesus Christ, or chocolate bunnies, or anything in between, come join us at the Bwog meeting tonight! We’ll be in Lerner 505 at 7pm throwing around some pitches for the upcoming week and eating […]
Did your friends do something fun without you this weekend? Try that new brunch spot you’ve been eyeing? Happy hour in Harlem? Karaoke in Koreatown? Do you have a bad case of FOMO? Come cure that FOMO with some people who will never let you down! In Lerner 505 at 7pm, we’ll be serving up snacks, […]
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Or, if you prioritize your platonic relationships over all else, happy belated Galentine’s Day! Either way, we at Bwog are excited to celebrate with cookies, pitches, jokes, and plans for the upcoming week. Meet us in Lerner 505 at 7pm to join in the festivities. Bring your significant other if you […]
Hey, hey, hey, all you football fans out there! We know you’ve been deprived of good football since coming to Columbia (no shade). In order to remedy that, Bwog has decided to accommodate your need for football fanaticism. We know that our usual meeting time (7pm in Lerner 505) conflicts with the 6:30pm SuperBowl tonight. So […]
In an in-depth analysis of Zayn’s new single, we’ve discovered that he may have been singing about none other than Bwog itself. See for yourself. Climb on (the executive) board. We’ll go slow (with the pitches, so you can keep up). So we’ll piss off the neighbors (aka everyone else in SGO, because we’re […]
Bwog’s second meeting of the semester is tonight! You might be thinking to yourself, What’s so special about the second meeting? It’s not the first, so what’s the big deal? Also, how has a week of the semester already gone by? Also, why is time passing so quickly? How is it that my life seems […]
Well, folks, this is it. The last meeting of the semester. Someone bring the Kleenex. But it’s not all bad news. This means Winter Break, and going home for the holidays, and time spent with friends and family! We’ll miss you all, but Bwog will still be here when you return. Be sure to come to Lerner […]
Lately it seems as though every Facebook event has been advertised as a study break: “Insomnia cookie study break!” “Yoga relaxation session for finals” “Panhellenic study break” “Take a break, watch the debate!” Well, here’s one more for you: Take a study break with Bwog tonight! Put down that textbook for an hour. Turn off […]
Good news, ladies and gents. The wait is finally over. Tonight is Bwog’s Semi-Annual Big/Little Reveal!! If you want to find out which Bwogger will be your big, be sure to come to tonight’s meeting! As usual, we’ll see you in Lerner 505 at 7pm. Anyone (and everyone) is welcome! And don’t be late, you […]
Well folks, midterms are finally upon us. No, wait. Midterms were upon us last week. And the week before. Some of us even had midterms the week before that. What’s the deal with midterms, anyway? They seem to last forever. Why they’re still called “midterms,” we’ll never know. Spoiler alert: midterms are really just tests. […]
(Sung to the tune of… well, you’ll figure it out.) You used to come to Bwog on Sunday’s. Late night when you need our snacks. Come to Bwog on Sunday’s. Late night when you need our jokes. And we know that come 7pm, you’ll slide into our DMs. You’ll show up in Lerner 505, what a time […]
This week, you felt it coming on. Your nose got stuffy, you woke up with a sore throat, and by the next morning, your voice was gone. By Thursday night, you were ready for the weekend. You needed this opportunity to recharge and recover. Parties? Nah. Late nights? Nah. You spent Friday and Saturday nights […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025