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Posts Tagged with "snacks"

Is it worth going to the Math Building just to snack and vibe? Bwog critics Alec and Layla give their candid opinion.

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The following is a back of the envelope calculation to determine how many dollars worth of snacks I stole from the Faculty House dining hall over winter break. It is not intended to be used as a guide for how you too can get free snacks. That would be wrong.

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Staff Writer Daniel Ortega-Venni and Deputy Editor Caroline Mullooly bring you the best moments from Bwog Slack throughout this academic year.

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GSSC Bureau Chief Andrew Chee brings you the recap of the latest General Studies Student Council meeting.

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Bwog likes to think of itself as the friend who has seen you through it all: the end of a long-distance relationship, the messy nights at Amity Hall, food poisoning from Ferris shrimp tacos, the homesickness. Though it is nearing midterms and just that awkward time of year where no one wants to meet new […]

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(Sung to the tune of… well, you’ll figure it out.) You used to come to Bwog on Sunday’s. Late night when you need our snacks. Come to Bwog on Sunday’s. Late night when you need our jokes. And we know that come 7pm, you’ll slide into our DMs. You’ll show up in Lerner 505, what a time […]

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Think your roommate’s bad? You may be down a stapler and up a few passive-aggressive handwritten notes, but it’s nothing compared to the adversity that some of our classmates apparently face in their dorm rooms each and every day. A concerned tipster reports overhearing the following roommate complaint, in a Starbucks: “I wish I could […]

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Broke? Hungry? Luckily, you’ve got quite a number of  options to chose from tonight and we’re here to help you navigate the smorgasbord of free food at your fingertips. At NYClash, teams from Columbia, Fordham, NYU, and Rutgers square off on an eternal question that has perplexed many a puzzled pre-frosh: Liberal Arts or Engineering? […]

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Everybody Calm Down!

As you may or may not have heard, some housing news has surfaced: EC Exclusion Suites are no more. So if you’re a freshman or sophomore who was banking on a high rise suite at five for the price of three (inhabitants : lottery numbers, that is), you might be sobbing uncontrollably, or carving “McBain… […]

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Psst- What’s that you’re working on? Rousseau? More like Rou-soooo boring. The Aeneid? More like Ae need a break from this book. Legacy of the Mediterranean? More like Let’s-get-zee hell out of here. Don’t read? SEAS? More like if I do any more of this problem set I’m going to have a SEASzure. Phew! Put […]

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After college, we all want to change the world, in some small way. Has your life ever been ruined by spilled salsa? Yeah, ours too. Luckily, CC ‘09ers Michael Charley and Tom Stewart have come to the rescue with the Salsabol. A bowl with an elongated lip to push salsa back onto a chip as […]

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…who apparently are the heroes behind this bold endeavor, which seems to have ceased publication but is still the most wonderful blog devoted to a vending machine that we have ever seen. Columbia, meet Robby.    

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3111 Broadway between 122nd and 123rd Morningside Heights has a new spot to satisfy your sweet tooth. Chokolat Patisserie, long a shuttered storefront, opened within the last month in the beyond-Barnard, downhill stretch of Broadway (although its website is still under construction).  If you’re looking for a Hungarian substitute to hunker down and study, Chokolat […]

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