USenator, Loyal Friend, and feckless comment-reader Marc Heinrich wants to endow you procrastinators with some wisdom. He talks work-life balance, leadership, and asbestos, among other topics. Check out our other wisdoms for more ruminations. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Marc Heinrich, Columbia College, Political Science & History, New York, NY Claim to fame: University Senator, AEPi […]
As the year comes to a close, we present you Bwog’s last Senior Wisdom of the Class of 2015 by our former Managing Editor Alexandra. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Alexandra, CC, English, New Rochelle, N.Y. aka Westchester aka Bestchester Claim to fame: Managerially edited this publication for 2013 with the incomparable Alexandra Svokos (love you, […]
We know firsthand that this senior has a whole lotta wisdom. We sat down with our own Bwog Director of Communications, Natalie Telson, to hear her tackle the oral sex or cheese question. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Natalie Telson; GS/JTS; Political Science at Columbia and Hebrew Bible at JTS; North Tustin, CA Claim to fame: You may have […]
Here is our second senior wisdom of the day, brought to you by Barnard senior Ally Engelberg. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Ally Engelberg, Barnard, American Studies/Film Studies double major, Lexington, Massachusetts (yes, home of the Shot Heard ‘Round the World, the Battle of Lexington and Concord, “the Redcoats are coming,” Paul Revere— you know the drill). Claim […]
Today, we begin one of our favorite Bwog traditions: Senior Wisdoms from a few members of the graduating class. We will be bringing you some of your classmates’ nuggets of wisdom until the end of the semester, and we begin with the person least-related to Bwog—former Spectator EIC Abby Abrams. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Abby Abrams, Barnard, English […]
Less than one week of classes left, so let’s really move this thing along. Tonight’s Senior Wisdom is Misha Solomon, who seriously needs to wash his mouth out with soap. Name, Hometown, School, Major: Misha Solomon, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Columbia College, Evolutionary Biology of the Human Species with a concentration in Linguistics Claim to fame: President […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
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