USenator, Loyal Friend, and feckless comment-reader Marc Heinrich wants to endow you procrastinators with some wisdom. He talks work-life balance, leadership, and asbestos, among other topics. Check out our other wisdoms for more ruminations. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Marc Heinrich, Columbia College, Political Science & History, New York, NY Claim to fame: University Senator, AEPi […]
Columbia’s newest addition to its outdoor art collection, to be installed in front of Butler in the coming weeks, has been the source of heated debate on campus in the past week – and, of course, this debate reached last night’s CCSC meeting. Joe Milholland reports on the most recent development in the Statue Discourse. […]
As usual, CCSC spent its Sunday night hotly debating such important issues as space on campus and complaints that Deantini might actual listen to. And, also as usual, Bwog reporter Joe Milholland was on hand to provide us with a fascinating description of the meeting. The Space Initiative “I feel like Columbia is the only […]
Yesterday, the University Senate’s Student Affairs Committee elected this year’s Chair and Vice-Chairs–Marc Heinrich (CC ’16) will serve as Chair of the committee, and Emily Moore (SEAS Graduate School) and Ramis Wadood (CC ’16) will serve as Vice-Chairs. You can read the full press release below: Student Affairs Committee Elects Leadership for 2015-2016 Academic Year […]
Commuter student wondering how your interests are represented? Budding pollster just buzzing for the next CU election? Just a good college citizen concerned for their community (enough to procrastinate the lecture your in with CCSC recaps on Bwog)? No matter who you are, we have you covered. Nate Silver’s second speed dial and special correspondent […]
“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
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February 10, 2025