Thanksgiving means getting out of the city while literally a bajillion other people are trying to do the same thing! It’s not as bad as the zombie apocalypse, but still. It’s gonna suck. Fortunately, old man Bwog has been flying the friendly skies/riding the rails/cruising down the open road to get outta here for many […]
Europe is scary! For those of you considering a summer romp through the continental continent, Caitlyn Levin, an Actual European, details her journey through Europe and describes the workings of the mysterious Eurail system. The cultured man’s choo-choo train. If you’re thinking about traveling around Europe this summer, you’ve probably already heard the term “Eurail” […]
Once again, many of us will be making the pilgrimage from Morningside to a home, whether it’s yours, your grandparents, significant other’s. There will be queues at the airport, train stations and bus terminals. It will be stressful. To help ease the pain, Bwog has once again compiled advice from the most experienced travelers on […]
The perennial Carsplit enthusiasts have resurfaced! And they’ve asked that we post a link to this thing in hopes of securing cheaper airport-bound cab rides for everyone. So sure, here’s Carsplit. We know it’s hard to see past your last final, but if you’re headed to JFK, LaGuardia, or Newark by taxi in the coming […]
If you’re heading home via bus this Thanksgiving weekend, make an informed choice! Here, Bwog correspondents persuade you to ride DC2NY, Bolt, VamooseBus and, in an impassioned, extended defense, Fung Wah. VamooseBus My experience with VamooseBus is a prime example of brand loyalty. When I first went to visit Columbia without my parents, my Columbia […]
As Columbians begin to trickle slowly away from Morningside Heights for the much-anticipated and well-deserved Thanksgiving Holiday, the queues at JFK, La Guardia, Penn Station, and yes even the Port Authority Bus Terminal are beginning to fill out. In typical fashion, Bwog has asked its most experienced travelers for tips on how best to brave […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025