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Posts Tagged with "study abroad"

The trial that mesmerized the nation. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of death and violence. 

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Interested in studying Italian? Forget your post-Valentine’s Day blues and attend today’s information session about the Summer in Venice study abroad program! Editor’s note: mentions of gun violence and death.

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Study abroad programs will remain suspended for the fall semester, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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Barnard Global announced a total cancellation of all study abroad programs for fall 2020 in an email sent to study abroad students on May 12th. Columbia also confirmed the cancellation on May 14th.

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Travel outside the United States funded or organized by Columbia has been suspended until further notice according to a statement put out by Interim Provost Ira Katznelson Tuesday morning.

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This week, SGA hears from the Study Abroad office about the experience of students studying abroad, and what the Barnard community can do to improve this program.

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GSSC meets one last time for the semester and wishes you well as you move from one successful academic season to the next! Check below for some important dates and events.

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Sick of the NYC mega-rats but too lazy to figure out how to study abroad? Bwog breaks it down with a Q&A.

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Shannon Marquez will be the new dean of Undergraduate Global Engagement, Columbia College announced early this morning via press release. With Marquez at its helm, Columbia’s Office of Global Programs and Fellowships will undergo major transitions this fall. Expected changes include a rebranding as the Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement and “an expanded mission to enhance access, support existing […]

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On Tuesday, students, professors, and United Nations officials crowded the 15th floor of the International Affairs building in order to listen to a panel speak about SIPA’s May 2012 trip to North Korea, the first and last trip of its kind at Columbia. East Asian aficionado Roberta Barnett retells their harrowing tale. The panel, composed […]

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Q: I’m entering a suite with a few other guys, one of whom is studying abroad this semester. I know there are some extra steps we have to take, like designating a proxy for housing selection, but are there any other pitfalls that housing won’t tell me about until we fall into them? A: Put simply, no. Students […]

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Bwog is occasionally inclined to showcase the artistic talent of the Columbia community. One of our renegade ‘toonists, Jamila Barra, is abroad in Argentina this semester studying Spanish (duh), Latin American philosophy, drawing, and ceramics. In her drawings, she captures telltale figments of everyday life in Mendoza and Chile. When Bwog asked her to articulate […]

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And burst it big! If you’re interested in studying abroad next semester or next year, it behooves you to dash over to 602 Hamilton at 8:15 this evening. The Office of Global Programs (OGP) is hosting a Study Abroad General Info Session for all interested undergrads. They’ll cover eligibility, types of programs, language requirements, programs […]

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Let’s Go Europe

Europe is scary! For those of you considering a summer romp through the continental continent, Caitlyn Levin, an Actual European, details her journey through Europe and describes the workings of the mysterious Eurail system. The cultured man’s choo-choo train. If you’re thinking about traveling around Europe this summer, you’ve probably already heard the term “Eurail” […]

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On April 20, Columbia hosted a conference called “Columbia Goes Global: The Next 50 Years,” featuring speakers like PrezBo and Kenneth Prewitt. Several Bwoggers headed over to cover parts of the event. The first installment comes from studying-anywhere-but-Butler enthusiast Victoria Wills, who reports from the “A New Way to Study Abroad” segment of the event. When […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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