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Posts Tagged with "chanukah"

Just because Thanksgiving is past doesn’t mean there can’t be a cornucopia of free food to graze on! From 7:30-8:30 p.m., enjoy the Campus-Wide Candle Lighting, which celebrates the first night of Chanukah. Free Dunkin’ Donuts!  You can get in on the action in the lounges in Broadway, Carman, Hartley, Schapiro and Sulz, and in […]

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Happy Holidays! Barnard Housing sent out an email yesterday, just in time for the start of Chanukah, notifying students that not only are they forbidden to light candles in their room, simple possession is also forbidden. Even if you’re just holding them for a friend, it’s against the rules, kids. In its divine wisdom, however, […]

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Overheard in Era of Civil War and Reconstruction, a.k.a. Foner: “Whoever said this was going to be the worst fucking Chanukah ever was RIGHT.” Bwog hopes folks feeling this way investigated the Chabad Menorah. Or at least head to any of the other candle-lightings around campus tonight.

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From 5-7 p.m., despite the weather, Chabad will be lighting a giant Menorah on College Walk. Head over there for free donuts, cider, Menorahs, candles and other give-aways. Update: Attendees were happy the rain had passed, and gamely fought against the night chill with hot cider and friendly company. The group of 40 or so […]

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From all of us at Bwog, a very happy and healthy first night of Hanukkah to all.  May you spin many a gimmel in your dreideling!

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Free jelly donuts on the Lerner Ramp now, courtesy of Chabad. And actually, they’re not technically just jelly donuts, they’re sufganiyot, which is a Hebrew Jewish jelly donut that’s being served in celebration of Chanukah.  Maybe the best part? They’re right next to a table handing out free bibles.

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Bwog Requests

For those of you who celebrate Christmas and for those of you who just like asking for stuff, here’s what BwGossipers want for the holidays, material and otherwise. Is anyone up there listening? a time machine Pinkberry for life the secession of New York City dinner with Katherine Boo a bean bag chair more presents […]

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Lee C. illuminates

Maybe they were just there for the latkes and cider, or the Columbia Marching Band playing Chanukah songs, but the promise of a Prezbo appearance may have drawn the substantial crowd at tonight’s concluding menorah lighting. Rabbi Yonah Blum greeted Lee C. with praise and a Chanukah gift, and after Prezbo said a few words […]

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