“And if this be madness in the multitude, it is the same in every particular man. For as in the midst of the sea, though a man perceive no sound of that part of the water next him, yet he is well assured that part contributes as much to the roaring of the sea as […]
“Come, [NSOP bracelet], you too must die. Why moan about it so? / Even Patroclus died, a far, far better man than you.” – Homer, The Iliad If we had done our Iliad reading when we were actually supposed to, maybe we could have found comfort in the wise words of Homer. Instead, we found this […]
Spotted in the Watt lobby: “Nothing is permanent in this world — not even our troubles” – Charlie Chaplin “I knew you were trouble when you walked in” – Taylor Swift IMG_6181 from Bwog on Vimeo.
A sign at the Pupin plaza construction this morning led pedestrians to an imaginary pedestrian detour. “There’s a difference between knowing the Path and walking the Path” – The Matrix A prison for your mind. Also just annoying.
“To go wrong in one’s own way is better than to go right in someone else’s.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime & Punishment The door is there. But what is a door without a handle?
As classes end and real studying begins, it is easy to get stuck in your head. Especially when you’ve been doing readings all day. Seemingly innocuous boards turn into something much more significant as the layers of meaning come to life and confound through what you learned in Psych 101. After all: Life is the same. […]
The Dark Night holds many mysteries, not least among them the delibility of chalk. The following sentence is true. The following sentence is true. The following sentence is true. The first sentence in this list is false. Did the chalk last through the night?
“Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.” -Jean-Paul Sartre
“A lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost.” –Jean-Paul Sartre
“The greatest hazard of all, losing one’s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any other loss – an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. – is sure to be noticed.” –Søren Kierkegaard
Overseen in Carman, hanging in the balance: “Bodies are not the same as Coca-Cola cans.” –Arthur Caplan
“Accepting the absurdity of everything around us is one step, a necessary experience: it should not become a dead end. It arouses a revolt that can become fruitful.” – Albert Camus
“To declare that existence is absurd is to deny that it can ever be given a meaning; to say that it is ambiguous is to assert that its meaning is never fixed, that it must be constantly won. Absurdity challenges every ethics; it is because man’s condition is ambiguous that he seeks, through failure and […]
“Where is it I’ve read that someone condemned to death says or think, an hour before his death, that if he had to live on some high rock, on such a narrow ledge that he’d only room to stand, and the ocean, everlasting darkness, everlasting solitude, everlasting tempest around him, if he had to remain […]
“Glance into the world just as though time were gone: and everything crooked will become straight to you.” -Friedrich Nietzsche
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025