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Posts Tagged with "cinco de mayo"

Ah, Cinco de Mayo, the favorite holiday of frats/srats and other cultural appropriators everywhere. Here’s what some Columbia students did on the holiday/the first day of reading week. Went into a fit of rage at Amigo’s after not getting seated 45 minutes after my RESERVATION TIME. Went to the Heights where I had some good margs. Drunkenly […]

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Are you still searching for your lost shaker of salt? Well just forget about it and come celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Bwog instead! SGO, 5th floor of Lerner, 7 pm. Bring ideas and pitchers of margarita. Bwog “does not own any part of this song, or Jimmy Buffett” via Youtube

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Apparently Low steps is one of the best places to celebrate Cinco de Mayo—not like you’ll have time to celebrate though. (Gothamist) You might not remember anything from this past semester of Lit Hum, but you’ll probably remember the life lessons that Full House taught you. (Buzzfeed) We all check our Facebooks after hammering out a paper paragraph, […]

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Rain checks… they’re catching on. The annual Chicano Caucus Cinco de Mayo celebration on Low was postponed from this Sunday, April 24th, to next Sunday, May 1st on Revison Plaza (the plaza overlooking Amsterdam) because of the promised rain that looks highly unlikely to fall at this point. Colors via Wikimedia

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A happy Cinco de Mayo to you and yours! We hear the Reference Room is craazy right now. Floridita isn’t giving up without a fight. (City Room) Bloomberg goes to Washington: the city needs more homeland security funds. (NY Post) Last night at Christie’s Picasso’s “Nude, Green Leaves, And A Bust” became the most expensive […]

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