Some of the events on Columbia’s calendar may seem out-of-place at the university to an outsider’s eye. Students have been invited to workshops on how to get more sleep, how to have a better sex life, and how to live in small spaces, but though these may seem odd they are definitely (and unfortunately) relevant to most […]
We are constantly being surveilled, which should come as no surprise to you. Even as you stand on the downtown-bound platform at 116 Street – Columbia University (in the City of New York), awaiting the rumbling, forceless approach of the 1 train, you should feel a prickling on your neck. And when you notice the […]
If you are half as much a caffeine addict as the average University student, you might not have noticed something untoward and thoroughly SHADY happening at two of your local purveyors of bean. If you shell out $5 daily for a cup of Joe, the change might have been too gradual for you to register. […]
Earlier this week, we were tipped a document stating that an alleged Russian spy was recruiting at a “major” NYC university…perhaps Columbia? Inspired by this McSweeney’s column, our top conspiracy theorist describes the double life of a Columbia student turned secret agent. You begin preparing for your life in the shadows in the second week […]
Recently, Bwog received a tip that included the following disturbing information: “Public Safety infiltrates student groups. Seriously. If you start to organize, they send in people, or just one person, to your meeting and spy on you, and bring that intel back to the senior administration…. Some of their plain-clothes officers look (and in some […]
Some colleges have golf courses, like Vassar and St. Andrews and probably a lot of other bougie schools Bwog doesn’t know about. But hey! Columbia is bougie, too! Why can’t we have a golf course? Don’t worry—we do. Chief Conspiracy Theorist Lauren Beltrone, BC ’17, brings us this guide to but a few of Columbia’s […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025