Crazy cowboy philosopher and Columbia Department Chair Professor of Religion Mark Taylor came out swinging today with a New York Times opinion piece condemning his own job. The longtime gloom-and-doom prophet of educational decay made his stand against the tenure system, calling it a financial and intellectual blunder and accusing its defenders of acting purely […]
Foiled New York terror plot was scheduled for September 11 of this year, says prosecutor in the case of alleged terrorist. (AP) A Columbia Econ professor claims that good signs from the stock market don’t necessarily mean improvement in the economy. All the suited would-be analysts swarming yesterday’s career fair beg to differ. (Reuters) Because […]
Morningside is no stranger to crazy people. Every once in a while, however, one pops up who can’t just be ignored. It’s generally accepted (or rather, Wikipedia states firmly) that crazy person Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon in 1980, leading to his death. Stories like that are never complete without their conspiracy theorists, however. […]
According to Bwog contributor Alex Weinberg, “One of the electronic construction signs on 110th between Amsterdam and Columbus has lost its mind.” More photographic evidence after the jump.
The signs of spring are everywhere on campus: two students sitting on the lawn listening to a radio, absolutely no frisbees whatsoever, and the season’s first whiff of insanity wafting up from Manhattanville. This afternoon’s distinctive smell is caused by Anne Whitman, the owner of the former Sheffield Farms stable building. The University is still […]
A bit of late news that was recently brought to our attention: according to the ominously-titled website House of Bnai-Haman, September 24, 2007 will now permanently be referred to as “Columbia’s Day of Shame,” which the site asks to readers to make sure “is never forgotten.” Granted, the blog was actively updated for a grand […]
Sick of hearing about Ahmadinejad? Of course you are! But watch this anyway. And are you sick of real estate tycoons conspiring with major universitites in order to mind-control unsuspecting students using electromagnetic satellites? Then you, my paranoid friend, have something in common with a former SIPA student who has spent the past week spamming dozens […]
A tipster sends the following anecdote: Today I got off the subway at Columbus Circle to see a crowd gathering beneath the globe in front of the Trump tower. A man was on top of the globe, wearing rollerblades. More and more police came, and an ambulance with paramedics and a stretcher. After about ten […]
We like to keep track of the buzz on our bwogroll, and Six Silberman over at fiveplusone just gave us some good morning brain fodder: a Theory of the Bollinger in Manhattanville, attempting to explain the singularity of purpose with which he’s pursued building up north. In a nutshell, Six says that the plan for […]
It’s like news from a sinking ship: text messages, calls from borrowed cell phones, and internet cafe e-mails have been pouring in recently from those stranded in exotic spring break locales (including the ridiculous number congregating here). The nastiness outside in New York grounded over a thousand planes, foiling the homework plans and sinking the […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025