If you haven’t set foot on campus yet today…you can check out Columbia University Marching Band (CUMB)’s latest Orgo Night posters below! The first round of posters arrived last Thursday. These ones are a little more equivocal about the location. Instead of BUTLER, they say, BUTLER??? We’ll keep our fingers crossed for this coming Thursday. […]
It’s that time of year again, folks, that time where we open paragraphs with “it’s that time of year again, folks.” In all mock-seriousness, Orgo Night is here! Well, almost. In anticipation of the event, Columbia University Marching Band has released their first round of flyers, some of which have been more controversial than others. […]
Are you buried neck deep in work? Same. You know what that means; Orgo Night is approaching. On May 4th, at 11:59PM, the Columbia University Marching Band will gather outside of Butler (thanks to the lovely librarian Ann Thorton) and tell jokes you don’t wanna tell your friends you laughed at but will inevitably laugh […]
The Columbia University Marching Band is the most despicable group of heathens to ever walk the hallowed halls of this educational institution. To list all of the Band’s offensive qualities would take more words than War and Peace, Les Misérables, and Infinite Jest combined. This organization is the physical manifestation of the institutionalized patriarchal norms […]
Bwog is back with another installment of Library Reviews! Today, we take a look at a classic: Butler 209. Whether 209 is your go-to spot (*ahem* like me) or simply a relic of Orgo Nights past, join us on a journey through this age-old Butler classic. Location: Butler Library, Room 209. Enter Butler and turn either […]
Imagine this: you’re back at your old middle school. You’ve gone to an evening event in support of some younger sibling or cousin, and you have to get up halfway through to go to the bathroom. The bathroom closest to the auditorium is locked, so you wander through the hallways in search of one that the […]
The Columbia University Marching Band released a statement tonight declaring their intent to perform Orgo Night in protest to Vice Provost Ann Thornton’s decision to forbid the event from occurring in Butler 209. Specifically, the Band claims that Columbia’s decision to block the use of 209 is a suppression of free speech which all groups […]
According to an email to the CU Marching Band Alumni Association from association director Sam Rowan, members of the Band leadership met yesterday with Chief Librarian and Vice Provost Ann Thornton. Thornton informed them that the Band would not be allowed to hold Orgo Night in Butler 209. Orgo Night, the Band’s traditional end-of-semester event critiquing events at […]
The end of the semester is approaching, and that means it’s almost time for everyone’s favorite opportunity to laugh at jokes they’d be too uncomfortable to make in front of their friends: Orgo Night. This year, as in all years, Orgo Night will be held the last night of reading week (not the night before […]
Once upon a time, Bwog stopped writing about the f-word. Since last year, though, we are once again recognizing that the football team exists. We took to Butler tonight to ask the library-dwellers what they think about Columbia’s homecoming win yesterday (more comprehensive homecoming coverage to come tomorrow–our resident bandies/sports writers are still recovering). Butler […]
The Disorientation Guide is back for NSOP 2016. Made by student activists, the “zine’s” purpose is to familiarize new students with campus activism and educate them on the various causes and how they can get involved. You can check out the 2016 guide here. This new version pulls from the 2014 iteration, re-purposing content such […]
Per Bwog tradition, we sent two fresh-faced first-years to review Orgo Night. Sanam Jalinous and Asya Sagnak did not hold back, even surprising some other Bwog staffers. Is this Bwog’s next big scandal? CUMB probably hopes so. Bwog isn’t new to taking jabs. Better yet – Bwog isn’t new to taking jabs, especially from our friends […]
Should you stay or should you go? Well, if that’s not a rhetorical question and you’re asking about Orgo Night, the answer is: go! Tonight at 11:59 pm precisely, all hell will break loose in Butler 209: CUMB is putting on its 69th “semi-annual” Orgo Night show/demonstration/what have you. Bwog will be there, of course, […]
While Butler reeks of stress and procrastination (and also genuine butt), CUMB has perfumed our moods with some comedic relief by releasing some of the second round of Orgo Night posters. There is a notable absence of highly offensive jokes–are CUMB and controversy on a hiatus? Regardless, we’re sure they’ll be back together this Thursday at 11:59 […]
This morning, we woke up to cars honking, New Yorkers shouting, and the first round of posters for Orgo Night – the Marching Band’s semiannual panel discussion on everything wrong with Columbia right now, featuring music that was popular three years ago. Orgo Night will be held (as per tradition) at 11:59pm the night before finals […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025