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Posts Tagged with "dance marathon"

Five and a half hours into the CUDM for pediatric AIDS prevention and things seem to be going swimmingly. Bwog popped in and spotted a number of things: lots of falafel and Havana empañadas, Venom and Onyx performing, and, most importantly, Danza Kuduro blaring through the speakers. But things were looking kind of sparse so maybe […]

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That’s right kids, it’s the 13th annual Columbia University Dance Marathon. The marathon will be held in the Diana Event Oval and dancing will start at 1:00. Tickets are $10 and include a free T-shirt, foodstuffs, and lots of opportunities to win prizes. Fundraising efforts will go towards pediatric AIDS prevention. Check out the Facebook […]

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Get ready to shake yo’ groove thang because this Saturday (and Sunday!) is an 18 hour dance marathon! CUDM is partnered with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (try saying EGPAF five times fast), which strives to stop mother-to-child transmission of HIV through research, advocacy, prevention and treatment programs. While the signup to dance for […]

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Saturday night features the annual Dance Marathon in Lerner Party Space. Ass shaking will commence at 1 pm Saturday, and end at 7 am on Sunday. The event has been organized to raise awareness, and money, for the fight against pediatric AIDS. It seems like there will be some pretty good music, with Gavin Russom of LCD […]

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Grab your dancin’ shoes and head over to Lerner Party Space for the best hour of Dance Marathon: Bar Mitzvah hour. Bwog’s told there will be PRIZES. It’ll be just like David Weinstein’s party in the Teaneck synagogue basement, only you won’t be wearing braces. Update (9:05 am): Here are some shots from last night’s […]

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CU Dance Marathon and Student Global AIDS Campaign are sponsoring a screening of the movie Philadelphia and a free dinner tonight from 7pm to 10pm in the Satow Room in Lerner. Cuisine details remain a mystery, but the movie is a “1993 American drama inspired by the true story of Geoffrey Bowers, an attorney who sued […]

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Dance Marathon is giving out cookies and hot chocolate on the Steps right now. Plus, free Kanye songs for your ears!

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The tenth annual Columbia University Dance Marathon began at noon today in Lerner Party Space! The CUDM Live Blog is being updated hourly to keep you informed of events, guest speakers, performers, etc.  So put on your dancing shoes and stop by between now and 4 p.m. tomorrow to show your support for the Elizabeth […]

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Come and support over a hundred of your peers as they raise money and awareness for pediatric AIDS by dancing for 28 hours straight! Kick off the marathon at noon on Saturday January 30th with Celebrity Ambassador Nigel Barker representing the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. Tickets are now on sale at TIC ( All […]

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The men of Delta Sig are hosting Columbia University Dance Marathon’s Annual Date Auction. The proceeds of this great event benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation directly. Bwog wishes you happy bidding! The event will be held in Roone Auditorium from 8 to 11.

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The CU Dance Marathon is still months away, but its offering free pizza and soda at its info session tonight.  Head to 568 Lerner tonight at 8:30 and get ready to dance the night away.

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There is a pile of Columbia University Dance Marathon T-shirts at the main desk in Lerner.

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