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Posts Tagged with "lady gaga"

Staff writers Hannah Revels and Isa RingswaldEgan reflect on this year’s Spotify Wrapped and create archetypes that just might inspire you to change your music taste.

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Columbia’s own cello ensemble String Theory covered “Applause” by Lady Gaga, and it’s great. They were also covered by The Huffington Post, no big deal. Here’s the video: 

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Saturday night features the annual Dance Marathon in Lerner Party Space. Ass shaking will commence at 1 pm Saturday, and end at 7 am on Sunday. The event has been organized to raise awareness, and money, for the fight against pediatric AIDS. It seems like there will be some pretty good music, with Gavin Russom of LCD […]

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A tipster noticed a custodian removing every poster for The Matching Game from the Hamilton bulletin boards. Naturally we had questions. Why doesn’t PrezBo want us associating him with Lady Gaga? Have you ever seen the two of them in the same place at the same time? Is PrezGa the new Ke$ho? Would they make […]

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Congratulations, you made it through a whole semester’s worth of classes! Now all that stands between you and summer vacation is…finals. Procrastinate by checking out all of the ridiculous things professors said before ending class. If you forgot to send one in, or we just foolishly overlooked it, feel free to share it in the […]

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Sad about that false spring we had last week? Looking for something to put in your stomach before you obliterate it with Thirsty Thursday festivities? Planning to simulate Lady Gaga’s meat dress with pork? Then head over to the Greenmarket and fulfill your wildest fantasies. This week, you can expect: Ronnybrook Farm with dairy essentials: […]

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Columbia makes four (six if you include two counts of James Franco) of The Times‘ 110 Things New Yorkers Talked About in 2010. Averaged (kinda), this makes us the 71st most talked about thing, up there with 4Loko, and the fact that ‘BFF’ is now in the dictionary. Here are our rather sordid claims to […]

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Since Lerner Hall flung open its perplexing glass doors in 1999, students have complained that for a student center, there is little space in the building for student activities, except perhaps for the occasional pianist trickling out “Claire de Lune.” Space reservation headaches aside, much of Lerner is used for administrative purposes. This summer, much […]

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Two events tonight feature free pizza: Blurred Frontiers: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America International Affairs, Room 707, 6pm (NOW) The Politics of Lady Gaga Politics and Pop Culture Panel Series Lerner 569, 8:00pm

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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