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Posts Tagged with "philanthropy"

Last night, we sent music and fashion Bwogger Daren Napier and sorority-girl-at-heart Mason Amelotte into the world of college fundraising. The following is a collaborative reflection on Alpha Chi Omega’s fall philanthropy event, Runway Warriors. On Saturday at 7PM in the Lerner Party Space, the women of Columbia University’s Alpha Chi Omega hosted their fall […]

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Five and a half hours into the CUDM for pediatric AIDS prevention and things seem to be going swimmingly. Bwog popped in and spotted a number of things: lots of falafel and Havana empañadas, Venom and Onyx performing, and, most importantly, Danza Kuduro blaring through the speakers. But things were looking kind of sparse so maybe […]

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In celebration of the sacred month of Movember, Bwog interviewed two members of the Columbia Men’s Heavyweight Rowing team, which has been involved in some pretty furry philanthropy this month. If  you happen to be one of those uninformed individuals who thought Movember and No Shave November were the same thing, read on, because Nick […]

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There’s a coat drive going on this week, run by the New York Presbyterian Hospital.  It’s right now, 12n-4p at the Sundial today, as well as everyday this week.  Supplementary collection bins are in EC, Furnald and John Jay. Yesterday Bwog spotted one student donate the coat off of their back.  Congratulations anonymous do-gooder, for […]

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   Photo courtesy of Teachers College Although the list-topper for Vh1’s 200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons needs no further accolades, your university casually handed over a Klingenstein Leadership Award to Oprah Winfrey last week in Chicago. The Klingenstein Center for Independent School Leadership, a Teachers College entity, recognized Oprah for her work towards improving education. The award […]

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Bwog Lecture Hop Editor Pierce Stanley attended this evening’s Jeffrey Sachs-sponsored Progress and Challenges in the Millennium Villages lecture. Miller Theater served as a welcome refuge from the torrential downpour levied today on Morningside Heights. This afternoon, a slew of students packed into the theater to hear a report from Earth Institute Director/Professor to the […]

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Media mogul John Kluge (who you may remember gave CC a ridiculous amount of money) has announced that he will subsidize yet another of Columbia’s fine institutions–the Journalism School.  A paltry $20 million of his 400 mil gift to the university will go to finishing the J-school’s $100 million Second Century campaign.  The money also […]

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Maybe you made some new friends at your internship or job over the summer, how nice for you. Professor to the Stars Jeffrey Sachs has made some new best friends and oh, they are awesome. Here’s our Jeff Sachs (right) with famous people John Mayer (he of smoldering stare on the left), and Jennifer Aniston […]

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The New York Times is reporting that the J-School received a 5 million-dollar gift today from one Mr. Leonard Tow, a Columbia grad whom the Times identifies as “a former chief executive of Citizens Communications, and Century Communications” as well as a philanthropist — and how! Tow is hoping that his $5 million will aid […]

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Or so says 95-year-old philanthropist John Templeton, who, among his billionaire chums, must endow the most mystical foundation. The John Templeton Foundation has power-given millions of dollars to scientists researching questions of God, ethics, and spirituality. One of their projects, buried within their labyrinthine website, is a ranking of the colleges most committed to building […]

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Eight years after Katie Holmes decides to permanently defer enrollment at Columbia, Daddy Holmes decides he wants his $500 deposit back. Is the Scientology wedding really turning out to be that expensive?

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