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Posts Tagged with "fire alarms aren’t funny"

Today’s Bwoglines is a chaotic meld of events that leaves us sure that we’re not sure. Editor’s Warning: mention of assault.

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This fine Monday, we want to remind you of the glory that was the weekend.  We now present to you a new series: Field Notes, where we round up the drunk late night tips we received during the weekend.  Be sure to send in what you’re seeing this upcoming weekend to, or use our […]

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Ferris Booth and everything else got cleared out around 8:30 am! Sorry to you who were planning on a quick bite before your 9 am. For those of you arriving after it ends–maybe try to squeeze a free meal out of Ferris in the post-drill rush?

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The blaring noise and flashing lights weren’t enough – occupants of 209 stood around looking at each other for several minutes before a loud voice told them to “move people!” On the bright side, Lerner-bound Butler refugees have come across a big free cheese platter in the lobby by 212. Enjoy!

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Bwog has been unceremoniously ejected from Butler for a fire alarm. Stay tuned for updates before setting out to study there.  UPDATE (7:25): Butler is open again, crisis averted. Plus, Bwog hears that a lecture scheduled to take place in Butler from 6-7:30 was cancelled in advance. Yeah, planned fire alarms are just an excuse […]

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A merry prankster appears to have set off the fire alarm in Butler, driving the huddled masses out into the pouring rain (UPDATE: students have been let back in now). Tipster Amanda Santamaria, though, stuck around long enough to record the rarest of sights: an empty Butler 403. And yet it probably still smells to […]

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