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Posts Tagged with "pourhouse"

Saturday was apparently the day for drunk tipping, as our inboxes were inundated with weird emails. We’re gonna go ahead and let the messages speak for themselves. Read on for this week’s field notes. The emails: Saturday, 12:39 am, anonymous tip form: [Subject line: seen] too fst yeers r plying cohncenraytion in buller libary Saturday, 10:31 am: Walked […]

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This fine Monday, we want to remind you of the glory that was the weekend.  We now present to you a new series: Field Notes, where we round up the drunk late night tips we received during the weekend.  Be sure to send in what you’re seeing this upcoming weekend to, or use our […]

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He already made it rain, now, in anticipation to get Hardcore, he’s going to make it pour. Tonight at 9pm Pat Blute invites you to join him at the Village Pourhouse (located on Amsterdam between 108th and 109th) where he will be getting his drink on and filming his version of Katy Perry’s jam Last Friday Night for […]

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The Off-Campus Flex machine rolls on, having just proudly announced two new conquests. According to Student Services’s Honey Sue Fishman (Bwog favorite Michael Novielli has unfortunately left the administration for a job in China), Riteaid and Village Pourhouse will soon accept Flex.  Riteaid, perhaps, holds out hope of stealing business from its better located, better […]

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How to start the weekend? Why not cheap beer? Sources tell Bwog that Pourhouse has 300 40s left over from Tuesday’s celebrations, and will sell them for $4 until they run out. After all, today is the real 40 days until graduation (celebrations were moved to Tuesday because of Passover), and starting the night with […]

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Meet Your New Mona

You know what we haven’t thought about in awhile? Mona. The bar. It closed last year after a crackdown or some such and then everyone headed to 1020 and pretty much forgot the whole thing. Anyway, Spec reported last year that it will be replaced by Pourhouse, a downtown beer and sports bar that caters […]

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