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Posts Tagged with "fire alarms"

There’s currently a fire in Dodge, and a nervous professor is running through the stairwell yelling to anyone who will listen, “This is not a drill.” Also, the area surrounding Dodge smells like smoke. Check back for more updates. UPDATE: According to Public Safety, there wasn’t a fire, just a “smoke condition” caused by an […]

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McCain and Obama at Columbia, a glorified activities fair.  Thank you Mr. Krebs. First Kim’s disappears, now Morningside Books? Local political primaries are today, did you remember (or care)? Fire alarms are loud (or at least they should be). Radical: a politics of love and an ethics of compassion (or maybe just crazy).

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The Schapiro fire alarm has been christened.   Let the year begin!

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Tipster Daniel Tyner-Bryan is reporting that just a few moments ago, the fire alarm started going off in Hamilton, thereby interrupting finals and forcing all the students, teachers, and bluebooks onto the lawn outside. Stand by for updates/photos and tip us ( if you have any. UPDATE 7:31 PM: Tipster Srijata Chattopadhyay informs us that […]

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I feel like I’ve been here before, been here before… (Watch Jeffrey Sachs on last night’s Charlie Rose.) Give me your toasters, your lava lamps, your otherwise hidden appliances…while you walk out for that McBain fire alarm Peace, Not Apartheid. (Just kidding!) Democracy Soon! Please? Frontiers’ heart:  in the right place “In fact, the only […]

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“Money for Jobs and Education, Stop the War and Occupation!” “Cut the funding, stop the war! What the hell is Congress for?” Anti-war impatience reigned on Low Plaza this afternoon as a hundred-odd students, professors, union workers, and community members listened to a slew of speeches organized by the Columbia Coalition Against the War while […]

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