Quarto, Columbia’s Undergraduate Journal of Creative Writing, releases its sixty-third annual issue tonight! To celebrate, they’re having a launch party from 9 to 11 pm in 501 Dodge complete with free food of the fancy cheese/sparkling apple juice variety. They also made this funky video (below) of people making triangles with their hands and/or scribbling things. […]
Prof. David Lurie is receiving the Lionel Trilling Best Book Award, and Prof. Christia Mercer is receiving the Mark Van Doren Best Teacher Award, but the real news is that the award ceremony is preceded by a free reception in Faculty House’s “Skyline Dining Room” at 6pm. No official word on what kind of refreshment […]
Drag your feeble shell of a body over to Lerner piano lounge today from 12 ’til 2 pm for the last Live at Lerner of the year. There will be song. There might be dance. There will definitely be free sushi. Expertly pull-quoted from their Facebook event, so you know they mean business: The menu […]
This isn’t some event attempting to spruce up your eyelashes, but if you make it to the Van Am Quad between 12 to 1 pm today, you can snag lip balm among other free giveaways to remake your look in time for Finals. The SDA is providing free drawstring sports packs, flyers, sunscreen, water bottles, […]
Don’t worry, we’ll all be there for each other. Join the Bwog staff tonight for the final meeting of Spring 2012, 7 pm in the Lerner SGO. Perhaps the hypothetical naysayer inside of you asks if it’s too late to get involved? On the contrary, now is when we need you most! So come by […]
Update: Peace Food is catering some “FANCY FANCY” vegan food, and more will be arriving at 4:30. A peek at the happy concertgoers is below. WBAR’s annual day-long free concert is happening now! This year, acts include DâM-FunK, Widowspeak, and Bush Tetras, among many others. There will be joy and music and free BBQ from 2 to 7 […]
ACM’s annual trivia contest starts today at 2:30 in the Mudd CS Lounge. The trivia will be nerdy but not computer science specific, and the pizza will be free, delicious, and plentiful. In addition to eternal glory, the winner of the contest will be awarded a Kindle Touch 3G. Triumph via Wikimedia Commons
Design for America is holding an End of Semester Conversation/Celebration from 7:30 to 8:30 in 504 Diana. Design teams will be presenting their work from the semester with administrators and professional designers in attendance. Bwog was promised catering, but the particular cuisine was not mentioned; if you attend, let us know the goods at tips@bwog.com! […]
David Rakoff just can’t get enough of his Alma Mater. After speaking with Andy Borowitz here last week, the CC ’86er returns for a Lit Night sponsored by Columbia Magazine, which will also include readings by professors Ed Park and Hannah Tinti. It all happens from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Alumni Center on 113th, and will […]
This fine Saturday, WBAR, Barnard’s College Radio will host their 19th annual music festival and BBQ. The shows will run from 2 pm to 7 pm on Lehman Lawn, then party on inside to the Diana Oval until bedtime (at 10 pm). Judging from the lineup, genres will range from carefree folk to 80s throwback […]
Forlorn, downtrodden, and perpetually abused BlackBerry users, today is your (perhaps last) shot at superiority. This time, the glances will be of envy, not of pity, when you proudly walk by with your free iced coffee. From 12 to 1 today at the Sundial, the Columbia BlackBerry Ambassadors—which is apparently a thing—will be giving out Starbucks iced coffee […]
Achilles teaches us that sometimes you just have to break bread with your enemy. And though none of us are out to get each other—except for whoever took Bwog’s place in SCUBA class, that hurts bro—we all like to eat a bit of grub when we’re talking about serious issues. Hence, Pro Israel Progressives is […]
Bwog will be expecting you tonight at 7 pm in Lerner SGO for one of our last meetings of the year. And be warned: Bwog gets what it wants. So don’t disappoint us and make us eat all that free food ourselves. Bring pitches, nebulous ideas for finals content, and as many friends as you […]
For your munching pleasure, Bwog brings you a veritable cornucopia of complimentary cuisine: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month brings you John C. Liu, the Comptroller of New York City in a political panel event with free DinoBBQ in Lerner Cinema from 6:30 to 8 pm. Through the Looking Glass, an exhibit exploring the contact between […]
4/20 conveniently lands on a Friday this year, meaning there’s a whole lot to do around campus in terms of food, parties, and other events than skipping class and heading to Riverside. Bwog’s crack team researchers have compiled a list of events so you don’t have to. Bike to Campus Day: In a truly, um, green […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025