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Posts Tagged with "faculty house"

The discussion at this week’s General Body Meeting featured upcoming events, progress on some initiatives, and recognitions of the council’s limits. 

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The Faculty House opened its doors to undergraduate students last Thursday with minimal fanfare. Bwog dining experts, News Editor Victoria Borlando, Deputy Editor Lillian Rountree, and Senior Staff Writer Camille Sensiba, obviously had no choice but to change all previous plans to attend the grand opening. 

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After months of protests and debates, Faculty House workers have signed a new contract.  The 4-year contract has not yet been released, but SWS assures that is makes positive strides toward better treatment for the workers.  However, there is still a battle to be fought–“it fails to address other of the workers’ complaints, such as increase […]

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After hearing about a class action lawsuit being filed against Columbia by one of the Faculty House workers, Bwog decided to ask Osmond (Ozzie) Cousins, the man who filed the lawsuit, about his reasons for filing it and what he hoped to achieve. Social justice enthusiast Tamsin Pargiter reports.  Bwog: Can you describe what you […]

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The union members of Faculty House, who have been in contentious contract negotiations for months, voted yesterday to authorize a strike. The full statement can be read below: To the students, Faculty and the Administration of Columbia University;  We the Local 100 Union members of the Faculty House have made a difficult & heartfelt decision […]

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The Student Governing Board’s Executive Board, representing approximately 100 campus groups, issued a statement yesterday discouraging the use of the Faculty House until appropriate negotiations with workers have been made. Last week the Student-Worker Solidarity coalition braved the elements to rally for their cause of “economic justice” for local workers, particularly now for Faculty House workers’ living wage, though […]

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Prof. David Lurie is receiving the Lionel Trilling Best Book Award, and Prof. Christia Mercer is receiving the Mark Van Doren Best Teacher Award, but the real news is that the award ceremony is preceded by a free reception in Faculty House’s “Skyline Dining Room” at 6pm. No official word on what kind of refreshment […]

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Columbia’s Center for Environmental Research and Conservation hosted an eight-hour symposium yesterday on biodiversity. Planet Earth enthusiast Mahima Chablani stopped by one of the afternoon lectures, named “Conserving the World’s Biodiversity: Global and Local Perspectives.” You can read about the full program here. Five working in the environmental sciences spoke in turn on their professional […]

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It’s true! Lee himself will be speaking about his new book, answering questions and signing copies at an event tonight at Faculty House at 6 – that’s soon! Hurry up and register here for great hair, hors d’oeuvres and “light refreshments.” Photo via Columbia

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Opulence Ahoy

Many undergrads will never have set foot in that peak of professor perks, the Faculty House. Under construction for the past year, the old space harbored cracked marble and un-airconditioned, dusty faux-Italian decor and no AC. But the new house is a sight to behold. Even if you don’t share our fascination with places you’re […]

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