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Posts Tagged with "quarto"

As we reported last month, the Creative Writing department decided to take back Quarto in a more official manner, putting it “on hold” for now. So the former Quarto staff turned around and made their own, independent, new literary project: 4×4 Magazine. Last night, 4×4 held an open mic at Book Culture on 112th.  The turnout was impressive, […]

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So: on Sept. 21, the (former) co-editors of Quarto sent out an email blast announcing two things: (a) Quarto was”currently on hold”, and (b) a new magazine called 4×4, “a literary project from the editors of Quarto,” was starting. Curious, Bwog met with Aliza Polkes and Sarina Bhandari, former Quarto co-editors and current 4×4 co-editors. Here’s what’s […]

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As the school year starts, you will be inundated with student groups asking you to leave your fields to flower and join them.  Before you go signing up for every listserv under the sun, we wanted to provide you with a brief rundown on the cafeteria of Columbia–those student groups that make the most buzz […]

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The 2013 issue of Quarto, the official lit mag of Columbia’s Undergraduate Creative Writing Department, launches tonight at 9pm in 501 Dodge. The contributors will be reading their work, there will be free catered food, and everyone gets a free copy of Quarto volume LXIV. Contributors to Quarto 2013 are as follows: Michael Blair Andrea Boerem […]

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Quarto, Columbia’s Undergraduate Journal of Creative Writing, releases its sixty-third annual issue tonight! To celebrate, they’re having a launch party from 9 to 11 pm in 501 Dodge complete with free food of the fancy cheese/sparkling apple juice variety. They also made this funky video (below) of people making triangles with their hands and/or scribbling things. […]

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Love poems can pack a punch. As one girl exclaimed yesterday after receiving one from her boyfriend of two weeks, “I don’t know whether to be creeped out or marry him!” Whether Valentine’s Day had you creeped out, enamored or downright depressed, Quarto wants to hear about it. Tomorrow night, the literary magazine will host an Open […]

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The new issue of Columbia’s undergraduate literary magazine Quarto is debuting tonight, but faux-high-society snobbery is not all that’s offered. Contributing writers to this issue of the magazine will read their pieces aloud to a crowd of admirers. Meanwhile, munch on some homemade free cookies. There’s even matzah pizza for those limited to unleavened snacks. […]

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