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Posts Tagged with "having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a library card"

Here at Bwog, we do our best to bring your attention to important guest lecturers and special events on campus. If you notice any events excluded from our calendar or have a correction, let us know in the comments or email

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Someone once said that the books in Butler were like candles during sex; they didn’t do much, but they set the ambiance. These books remain, largely, an untapped treasure trove of knowledge. Bwog Senior Staffer Nikki Shaner-Bradford interviews Columbia’s librarians about what they do and the resources they keep watch over.  The organization of academic life […]

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Clear your social calendars, because Barnard’s Library Paint Night is here! Channel your more foolhardy, artistic, and sensitive past self (pre-Columbia/Barnard) by picking up a brush and leaving your mark on campus. There will be three designated walls on the second floor of the library for you to explore your talents, so get ready and […]

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Earlier today, a fire alarm shattered the sacred silence of Butler library. As bleary-eyed ref room denizens shuffled out, a fireman’s words reminded us of the harsh reality.  Fireman: (to students leaving the library) “It’s a Saturday! Why are you guys in there on a Saturday?” Burned. Safety via Wikimedia Commons

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Your Butler: the fluted columns, the intellectual legacy, the perfect study spot. Unfortunately that serial sniffler surrounded by a fortress of textbooks thinks so too. The Panopticonesque 209 is for people who want to be seen studying, not actually get any work done. But Butler’s just so purdy, you say. Excuses, excuses. Aesthetics certainly don’t make […]

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Head over to the Wollman Library today to satisfy both your intellectual and glucose-based hungers. In collaboration with the New York Public Library, Barnard will be hosting a library card sign-up from 10:30 until 12:30 pm on the library’s 1st floor. There will also be free cupcakes while supplies last! According to a Twitter exchange, […]

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