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Posts Tagged with "hold fast to the spirit of youth"

Although the class of 2018 is already settling into the Columbia Bubble, let’s take a moment to remember that, for many of us, the summer is not technically over. Hold fast to your fading freedom with this submission from Jacqueline Basulto, who is “studying marine biology off of the coast of Ischia, Italy and living on […]

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For the second Senior Wisdom of the day we present Meriam Raouf, who takes “30 words or fewer” literally and “one thing to do” less so. Name, Hometown, School: Meriam Raouf – Flakes, New Jersey – CC Claim to fame? I half-heartedly interned for KCR like 1 semester a year, and never took the test, so there’s […]

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Seven lucky years ago, Bwog emerged from a womb of coding to shake things up and bring smart opinions on relevant and important discussions.  We’ve had our fair share of growing pains, both big and significant as well as kind of ridiculous.  Bwog definitely has loads more growth to go through, but at least now we […]

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A student becomes acquainted with the darker side of childhood games: “The fact that you are that sore and bruised up from a fuckin’ playground is INSANE.” Playground-Industrial Complex via Wikimedia Commons

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Bwog was born out of remedial html coding and ramblings about Russian art. Life was never very easy in the beginning. Spec was curious, Gawker didn’t want to play nice, and Bwog tried to be the big kid on the playground. Since then, Bwog kind of grew up, but never at heart. There has been a […]

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Earlier today, a fire alarm shattered the sacred silence of Butler library. As bleary-eyed ref room denizens shuffled out, a fireman’s words reminded us of the harsh reality.  Fireman: (to students leaving the library) “It’s a Saturday! Why are you guys in there on a Saturday?” Burned. Safety via Wikimedia Commons

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As of right now, they’re still saying, “Hi,” to everyone they see. Keep your ears open, because freshpeople are a feast of audible delights: Mingling on the John Jay green: “I’m pretty sure that every time I’ve had champagne at Christmas it was just sparkling grape juice.” “There’s also prosecco, that’s Italian” Group of youngish […]

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Not content to go quietly, the Class of 2011 had an unofficial post-graduation rager last night. The party started as a flash mob on IAB 15, but Public Safety soon stopped by for old time’s sake. During their attempt to kick students out of IAB, tipsters tell us it was a pretty rowdy time: A […]

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Primal Scream Redux

Gallant procrastinators, clashing in epic, fluffy battle, stormed across the Butler median last night. The annual Sundial v. Butler bash had a more dubious commencement than usual because of the unclear Facebook event start time. A handful of freshmen began fighting around 11:30, but then quickly left––their school spirit forever tarnished… Thus, one can conclude, […]

Read More Oops. (The Independent) Foner, riding the Pulitzer tide, thinks leaders could learn a little from Abe Lincoln. (WSJ) When it comes to dining, we could have it worse. Fordham and NYU dining halls both earned a “C,” the lowest grade possible. (NYT) Wiffle ball wreaks havoc among small children and this “risky” summer camp behavior must be […]

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Spirited Away

For those of you who (a) didn’t know or (b) were all grumpy-dumpy, today is Barnard Spirit Day! Though events have already gotten underway, there’s still fun to be had. Until 4 pm, perky people will serve free ice cream in the 2nd floor dining room of the Diana. And, tonight from 4:30 to 7 pm, […]

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The 2011 Barnard Greek Games are just around the corner. Togas will be donned, flags will be captured, discuses will be thrown, togas will be tie dyed—in short, all the fanfare and festivities of ancient Greek athletics are on their way. But without its heroes, what is the Greece of antiquity? The Greek Games needs […]

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These times, they are a-changin’. Saturday Morning Cartoons keeps you up to date on cutting edge technology. Now if only there were an app for recording your night, post-blackout… Cartoons by Jody Zellman

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It’s Our Birthday!

8:41 PM, January 30th 2006, five years ago today: Someone at NASA collected the first comet dust. Nelly bragged about his dental swag on someone’s stereo. Someone celebrated Mozart’s 250th birthday three days late, while someone else bought a plane ticket to Italy for the upcoming Olympics. The stage was set for the Bwog’s inception, […]

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Last week, Conor defended the PE requirement, but Carly Silver wasn’t entirely convinced. Below, she tells you how to dodge unnecessarily strenuous activity in Dodge. Moving is totally overrated anyway. Register wisely, friends! After all the month-long weight gain known as the holiday season, spring semester brings another opportunity to beat the bulge, Columbia-style. For […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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