On Wednesday, the Columbia Historical Association hosted three professors to discuss publishing their recent books, writing history, and teaching it.
Today’s Bwoglines challenge the things you love most: Cartoons: Pinocchio should be punished, Spongebob will destroy our children (Slate, Atlantic) Cigarettes: The future of smoking is e-cigarettes. (NYMag) Sex: Has been displaced by Facebook. (Gizmodo) World History: It’s whatever. (New Yorker) Take-Out: It’s evil! (Gothamist) Emoticons: Sometimes they look like vaginas. (NYT) Google: Is actually taking over the world. (WSJ) There’s one exception! Beavis and Butthead […]
In case you missed it, Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden in a speech last night. (NYTimes) Thousands gathered last night at Ground Zero and all over New York City to celebrate the news. (ABC, Metro, TPM, NYTimes) The NYPD are on high alert in fear of retaliation. (Village Voice) In a short […]
LectureHall Review: Havemeyer 309
September 17, 2024Investigating The Butler
September 16, 2024Courtney Bryan’s Composer Portrait Explores The Sound Of Freedom
September 16, 2024Courtney Bryan’s Composer Portrait Explores The Sound Of Freedom
September 16, 2024