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Posts Tagged with "michael bloomberg"

This morning Columbia, the World Bank, and New York City Global Partners convened to discuss the role of global cities in promoting business innovation, entrepreneurship, and job growth. While some students protested the event, Bwog’s Entrepreneurial Expert Alex Eynon attended to bring you the low-down. Suits, government officials from twenty-one nations, and of course, Columbia students, streamed into Low […]

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A group of students assembled on Low steps are currently protesting outside of Michael Bloomberg’s talk “Buisness Innovation and Entrepeneurship: City Strategies Summit with Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.”  The students protesting are loosely affiliated with the General Assembly, which will be meeting at 12:30 pm tomorrow at the Sundial. Video and pictures of the protest, […]

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In case you missed it, Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden in a speech last night. (NYTimes) Thousands gathered last night at Ground Zero and all over New York City to celebrate the news. (ABC, Metro, TPM, NYTimes) The NYPD are on high alert in fear of retaliation. (Village Voice) In a short […]

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Last night Bwog received a copy of Mayor Bloomberg’s public schedule. He’s slated to appear at the Northwest Science building café at 11:30 this morning. We wonder what he’s announcing! Update, 12:21: Mike B will launch the NYC Urban Technology Innovation Center, a sustainable tech initiative. Columbia is one of 3 schools partnering with the […]

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You may have noticed several news vans near campus this morning. They are here to cover an event taking place in Lerner today, whose speakers include Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Senator Evan Bayh, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator Joe Lieberman, columnist David Brooks, and MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. Over 1,000 people are expected […]

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Bacchanal! (Spec) Our very own Judie Lomax signs with the WNBA! (CU Athletics) The Times blogs about yesterday’s forum on “New York and the Electric Car.” Bloomberg: The Destroyer? (NYT) Photo via Wikimedia Commons

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CUArts‘ relationship with the Columbia administration. (Spec) Your relationship. (Gothamist) Bloomberg’s relationship with the Crips and the Bloods. (NY Post) The MTA’s relationship with pregnant women. (NBC New York) Russia and Poland’s relationship. (NYT) Photo via Wikimedia Commons

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In a surprising blow to future bureaucrats, Columbia cuts funding for student governing boards (Spec). New York finds out who will take on Bloomberg as residents vote in primary elections (NY1). While you’re still smoking 25 feet away from Butler, remember that the city might ban smoking in public parks (Gawker). Remember that one time […]

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Hot off the presses from City Hall and Albany: Governor David Paterson (CC ’77) and Mayor Michael Bloomberg expressed their support again for the Manhattanville expansion, after the project was approved by the Public Authorities Control Board.  Paterson said the expansion “will enhance the vitality of both the University and its neighboring community, while meeting […]

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Yes, subways may always be cheaper than cabs. And sure, you may not venture south of 108th again until after exams (you Philistine, etc.). Nevertheless, for Columbia students’ (and their relatives’) future transportation emergencies, Bwog applauds the Bloomberg administration’s proposal for a permanent cabsharing system.  The proposal, first mentioned in Bloomberg’s state of the city […]

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This week’s to-dos are earlier than usual, but quite worthwhile. Monday Lecture with Shahid Naeem: On “Nature, Knowledge, and Our National Identity.”  Hosted by PrezBo and Brinkley.  6:15 PM @ Low Faculty Room. Tuesday President of Bolivia: Evo Morales Ayma is here to discuss democracy in the Americas.  10:00 AM @ Low Rotunda. Wednesday Politics […]

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Mayyyyybe Bloomberg will run for reelection Gamers: beware of exceeding University bandwidth caps, but only sometimes.  In fact, for most of the things you’ll be doing online, you will be fine. Perhaps the University Senate is a place where debate within the University should take place.  As opposed to debating with kitchen knives. Wait a […]

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Bloomberg has an article today highlighting the salaries of some of the city’s biggest names in arts and culture. One name on the list is your president Lee C. Bollinger, who takes home a “$1.42 million package, which included $911,284 in base pay and $500,610 in benefits.” This puts PrezBo’s salary a little under that […]

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Bwog apologizes for the delay in Barnard class day coverage.  Our camera wasn’t working and we couldn’t have you just take us at our word. On Tuesday morning, as a faint drizzle turned into a steady downpour, 597 “awe-inspiring women” graduated from Barnard, along with their president.  Let me the spare you the burden of […]

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This year Barnard’s Class Day speakers will include New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New Yorker editor David Remnick, famed tennis player Billie Jean King, and organizer of Harlem Head Start programs Thelma C. Davidson Adair.  Bwog just ran into outgoing BC President Laura Stoffel who could hardly contain her excitement. Expect a more official […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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