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Posts Tagged with "ice cream"
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Ice Cream Weather

The sun shines on Morningside Heights! (Which means that the line for Mr. Softee runs back to the gates.)

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…but don’t you want soft ice cream? Photo by Kelly Reed

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It’s true! In preparation for Passover Hillel is hosting a BYOC (C for chametz) study break. There will be ice cream. 8-9, 2nd floor of Hillel. Also in other news, the full schedule for College Days has been announced, meaning a whole weekend of costless treats for you die-hard free foodians.

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Good evening you lucky, lucky Columbians–tonight you’ve got not one, but two opportunities to get happy on free food.  Here’s the scoop: 1) Need a little wisdom? The Emerging Leaders Program will be hosting the advICE CREAM SPEED MEETING tonight from 5:30-6:30 in Lerner Party Space. Basically, you speed-date for wisdom nuggets while chowing down on […]

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Around 9pm the Lerner piano lounge will play host to a lot of ice cream, Pepsi, root beer and of course, and lots of eager, ice-cream-scooping student government kids. Though “floating” isn’t the word Bwog would use to describe the transition from freshman to sophomore year, CCSC 2012 certainly has its heart in the right […]

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It’s 78 and the sun is shining, and experts say that this is prime ice cream weather. RAs in Broadway, McBain, and Ruggles have generously come together to meet that need, with free “sundaes, smoothies, and ice cream” in their respective lobbies/ basement, between 4 and 5 p.m. Should be delicious. 

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A Bwog tipster notes that Barnard’s Midnight Breakfast starts at midnight (11:30 for Barnard students) in LeFrak Gymnasium. Barnard administrators will be serving waffles, bacon, bagels, and that most breakfast-y of foods, ice cream!

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It may be free, but it’s hard-earned by the honest sweat of a SEAS student’s brow. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is giving out homemade ice cream today at 3:00 in the 13th floor lounge of Mudd. “Homemade?” you repeat dreamily, as your mind’s eye conjures your mother in a frilly apron and a beehive, brandishing […]

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Bwog Expert on all things cold and creamy Jon Hill discovered that a Mr. Softee truck has broken down right outside the Broadway gates on 116th. Unconfirmed reports are that the engine seized after absorbing the collective sad nostalgia of studying students who had flashbacks to childhood upon hearing the jingle. Let’s all pray the […]

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Free Leftovers

Tipster Aki Terasaki, CC ’12, says: “There are 30 gallons of ice cream left in John Jay lounge from the Midnight Milkshake event. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy!” Though, Bwog notes, there’s still technically another hour until the former event is officially over.

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There’s a “Welcome Back SEAS”-themed ice cream social/study break happening now in Lerner’s ramp lounge. There are various flavors of ice cream, plus the sprinkles and chocolate sauce you were hoping for. And then outside this thing there is a table with Starbucks coffee, in addition to milk and sugar. It’s not free — the […]

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Oh hooray, it’s time for a Homemade Ice Cream Sandwich Study Break, courtesy of Students For Substance Free Space. It’s happening now until 8 PM in the first floor suite of McBain. There will also be free t-shirts, in case you stain the one you were wearing with a delicious homemade ice cream sandwich.

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How to lose friends and alienate people Oh Sarah Palin, is there anything to which you are not tangentially relevant? The first of a two-part series on truck-based dessert foods. Reading doesn’t count unless someone sees you doing it. Why try to forget about all the fun stuff you missed out on when you could […]

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Free Ice Cream

Things are looking up! The treachery of finals week is drawing to a close—despite some Butler settlements indicating the contrary. Plus, tipster Keith Leung just emailed to let us know that Haagen Dasz is giving away free scoops of their new ice-cream flavor (Vanilla Honey Bee) from now until 8 PM. Leung has also assuaged […]

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Bwog contributor Alex Weinberg just frantically passed along the following tip: “There is a huge amount of ice cream in the Wallach Lounge and they are begging people to come eat it or steal it. I walked away with a box of ice cream sandwiches. TIME IS TICKING” And for those of you who foolishly […]

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