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Posts Tagged with "balloons"

Popped balloons… but not the end-of-the-birthday-party kind. Editors Note: mentions of death.

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Congratulations, everyone, we made it through! If you’re still working through a project with an extension, we’re wishing you luck. If not, good job surviving another year of the Columbia grind. Today’s our last day of the year, and we hope you party with all the energy of a kid just released on summer vacation. […]

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Because homecoming and parent’s weekend are really the best time to take off your clothes and grind with your classmates, Bwog brings you another party testimonial: GenderFuck! Want to tell Momma Bwog about your crazy weekend? Email us at or use our anonymous tip form. I learned three things this weekend: Alcohol makes GenderFuck better, […]

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Frenetic Fall Fun

You may have missed your chance to get a balloon animal, but take heart, there’s still plenty of fun to be had around campus. Occupy CU is holding a protest outside of the Law School, calling on Michael Sovern, former CU prez and current chair of Sotheby’s, to end the worker lockout. The crowd was […]

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A tipster reports that there is a balloon artist on College Walk right now! Word is he’ll only be around for another twenty minutes, so you better step on it if you don’t want to miss a golden opportunity to show off your immaturity. Update: Said tipster informs us that the balloon artist is from […]

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Bwog ventured out to College Walk this morning and was greeted with a pleasant surprise–balloons! Anybody know what they’re for? Update: We’ve been informed! They’re for the Black Heritage Month opening reception. Photo CS

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Barnard’s brand new student center, the Vagelos Center aka the Diana aka the Nexus aka the Vag, is open and ready for business as of yesterday. Hey, ‘Vag’ sounds like ‘vagina’. Weird! The Diana is shiny, new and streamlined. It is much, much nicer than Lerner. The Vag’s first patrons seemed excited about their new […]

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Good evening you lucky, lucky Columbians–tonight you’ve got not one, but two opportunities to get happy on free food.  Here’s the scoop: 1) Need a little wisdom? The Emerging Leaders Program will be hosting the advICE CREAM SPEED MEETING tonight from 5:30-6:30 in Lerner Party Space. Basically, you speed-date for wisdom nuggets while chowing down on […]

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While you were relishing waking up in your bed at home yesterday, Bwog joined the vast crowd of Manhattanites who schlepped downtown in the cold early Thursday morning to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The procession of giant balloons—an enjoyable if odd holiday ritual, when you think about it—included a few new characters among […]

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