Bwog continues to carry its tradition of sticking up for things that everybody loves to hate. From New Jersey to the PE requirement, we make sure that no underdogs go unprotected. In our latest In Defense of… feature, Molly Andrews highlights the value to calling it quits. Finals. That awful time of year when it feels […]
In the past Bwog has managed to stick up for the little guy, whether it be the McBain Shaft, the PE requirement or Fire Alarms. For the latest defense project, we turn to our in-house Jersey native Alexandra Svokos and ponder the terrible wonder that lies on the other side of the Hudson. Listen, we […]
It’s been a while since a Bwogger defended something in a constructive and articulate manner, so to make up for that, we present to you faithful reader the following piece of writing. Our staff Drills and Practice Scenario Expert (read: not a real title) Sylvie Krekow goes out on a limb and defends something you’ll probably […]
In the latest installment of In Defense Of, Brian Wagner endeavors to defend the indefensible, and redeem the much-maligned. Yesterday the lawns were liberated! Today, a pathetic attempt at snow sprinkles the grass. You don’t know what you got till it’s gone… Each year, when the fall weather starts to rear its ugly head, Facilities rolls […]
Bwog is a champion of the people. We save cats from trees, we give you free food, we defend the lowliest, saddest, most seemingly indefensible parts of our fair campus. We’ve tackled Wien, Famiglias, and the Freshman Fifteen. In response to a recent CUIT push for wireless to replace ethernet, Zoe Camp takes on the haters and gives you a […]
The PE Requirement is sometimes maligned as unfitting of Ivy League scholars, unfair to the ‘nonathletic’ and even downright unexplainable, a la the swim test. However, Bwog knows the true value of hitting the gym every now and then. Rather than one more unfair burden on the backs of the bright-eyed leaders of tomorrow, the […]
You’re stressed out, maybe a little depressed, and definitely worrying about whatever horrifying amount of work is hanging over your head. You’re striding down College Walk, passing people, in your own focused world. You might be about to crack. But mercifully something pulls you out of your personal death spiral of despair: an adorable six-year-old […]
Bwog is a champion of the people. We save cats from trees, we give you free food, we defend the lowliest, saddest, most seemingly indefensible parts of our fair campus. We’ve tackled Wien, Famiglias, and the Freshman Fifteen. Just when you thought we couldn’t get any crazier, we tricked you and got crazier! Today, as […]
Its across-Broadway cousin may get all the attention, but Famiglia’s has its defenders. Local Cheese-and-Tomatoes Correspondent Liz Naiden makes the case. Famous Famiglia’s is in a tough spot – pitiable, really. Across the street, Koronet’s catches the drunk and the indiscriminate, while other nearby restaurants often snag the sober remainders with slices that are a […]
Bwog’s latest Defense project is of an architectural persuasion: Revson Plaza and its sculptures. Claire Sabel bravely takes on the task. For some, Revson Plaza, the elevated walkway over Amsterdam connecting SIPA, EC, and the Law School to the rest of the campus does not sit comfortably among the rest of the Morningside architecture. There […]
In our latest installment of “In Defense Of…”, Nikhita Mahtani takes on the haters of The Nexus/Vagelos Center/Diana’s new color scheme. Barnard’s new student center has been in the making for a long time now. Every semester, Barnard students wait for the incessant banging in the Quad to stop and the walkway between Altschul and […]
It’s the return of “In Defense Of…” Here, a writer defends something that most students consider useless, inferior, or downright loathsome. In doing so, Bwog hopes to bring you a new perspective, and give the subject the appreciation it deserves…or not. For the first installment of the new year, daily editor Liz Naiden defends all […]
Our semi-regular In Defense Of… feature returns today with Bwog daily editor Eliza Shapiro’s look at a New Yorker’s favorite guilty pleasure and a subject of much debate amongst college students with limited funds: the taxi ride. Yeah, we know cabs are more expensive than the subway and we know there’s a recession. We read […]
Our brave defender this week is Daily Editor/Sports Guru James Downie, extolling the virtues of basketball games. At Columbia, many students like to pretend they’re too cool to root for sports teams. In academic speak, this would be “a surrender to the psychology of the mob” (even though Lord of the Flies clearly demonstrates the success of the mob approach; […]
Bwog’s “In Defense Of…” returns with a look at a first-year’s worst nightmare: the Freshman Fifteen. Let’s get one thing straight: gaining 15 pounds doesn’t mean you’re suddenly fat. For all Bwog knows, you came to Columbia weighing 90 pounds: forgetting to eat and do your homework second semester senior year. You may have […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025