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Posts Tagged with "tarps"

Ah, our lawns. Our beautiful, green, collegiate, bourgeois lawns. Always there for us, whether it stays locked and serves as eye candy (that’s shade to you, Hamilton lawn) or provides our butts with quality cushioning and free space. But what freshman might not know is that every winter, the administration covers these fields of glory with […]

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As fall break comes to an end, Columbia’s lawns shed their green grass, adopting instead their winter coat of white plastic tarp.

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Lawn Liberation

Just as spring break is beginning to reveal itself, so, too, are the lawns—six five weeks after Groundhog Day. Coincidence, conspiracy, or completely meaningless counting error? You decide, though it certainly hasn’t felt like winter the past couple weeks. Facilities is pulling back the tarps, right as it’s beginning to heat up—highs of 58 expected today, with temperatures […]

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Oh, The Irony

Well, easy come easy go. With just one day left before the end of the semester, the tarp-less streak has come to an end as the South Lawn waved the white flag of surrender. Before we could get a response from Facilities regarding their absence, several tipsters informed us that the tarps were brought out […]

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In the latest installment of In Defense Of, Brian Wagner endeavors to defend the indefensible, and redeem the much-maligned. Yesterday the lawns were liberated! Today, a pathetic attempt at snow sprinkles the grass. You don’t know what you got till it’s gone… Each year, when the fall weather starts to rear its ugly head, Facilities rolls […]

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…Walk upon the lawns’ tranquil green: And was the holy sunbather, On campus’ pleasant pastures seen!   P.S. Please excuse us while we rain on the parade: Photo by BV

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Goodbye lawns, we barely knew ye. See you in the spring! They’re baaaack!

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