For once, reporters weren’t the only audience members in the room—join Bwogger Nadra Rahman in the Satow Room, where CCSC got a little heated last night. Last night’s meeting of the Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) was “the most populated student council meeting” seen by USenator Jay Rappaport in two years—for once, the audience seats were […]
Staff writer and former daily editor, Leo Bevilacqua, offers his account of last night’s panel hosted by the Center for Palestine Studies, which spotlighted journalist Ben Ehrenreich’s experiences in the West Bank. Read on to see how Israeli-Palestinian discourse, in Leo’s interpretation, can be improved and why he believes demonizing the enemy does not function […]
Tonight at 8pm in Mathematics 312, Students Supporting Israel (SSI), a newly recognized student group, is hosting an event called “Indigenous People Unite.” This event will involve a panel of five speakers representing indigenous peoples from around the world; their nationalities are Assyrian, Yazidi, Israelite, Native Canadian, and Tibetan. According to the description of the event on […]
Defining the Discourse Analyzing Columbia’s most polarizing issue by Yasemin Akçagüner For the first time this year, Israeli Apartheid Week—organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)—was protested not just by pro-Israel students on campus, but also by a blow-up Pinocchio doll rumored to cost around $800. IAW, as […]
This afternoon, a statement was released by over 200 Columbia faculty and administrators, including former deans, calling for the University Trustees to not divest from the university’s business relations with Israel. The document claims that “Columbia benefits from ties with Israeli faculty, students, research, and technology.” This release follows a declaration to condemn Apartheid Divest that was […]
In response to Columbia University Apartheid Divest’s embracing of the Barnard Columbia Socialists’ treatment of the early 1990’s and 2000-2005 intifadas as actions of “civil disobedience,” over 600 students, alumni, and faculty have come together to condemn the characterization. The group is not representative of Aryeh, J Street Initiative, or any pro-Israel group on campus, but includes […]
In response this week’s mock apartheid wall as a part of this year’s Israeli Apartheid Week, Students Supporting Israel (SSI) constructed a Pinocchio display on College Walk directly across from the mock wall. This follows Israeli Apartheid flyer vandalization earlier this week. A tipster sent us the photo below of the display as of early this afternoon. The display is believed […]
This morning, CU Apartheid Divest has released a statement from faculty who support its action in “calling upon the University to take a moral stance against Israel’s violence in all its forms.” The statement expresses that these faculty members are “professionally, intellectually, and morally invested in [their] University” and cites a 2002 student and faculty […]
We just received a tip regarding Israeli Apartheid Week – more specifically, regarding recent vandalism of the posters advertising this week’s events. IAW starts this Monday and runs from February 29th to March 4th. We have also attached close up images below that show the writing on each section of torn poster. Messages include, “I LOVE Israel!” […]
Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Columbia/Barnard Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) recently united to form a new student activist group on campus called Columbia University Apartheid Divest. The group hosted their first event tonight in order to educate the Columbia community about their campaign, Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS). The event as well as the […]
Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, student organizations that rally around Palestine activism, are calling for Columbia’s divestment campaign from companies that benefit from or provide funds for the continued presence of Israeli homes, business, and infrastructure in the West Bank. The two organizations are operating as Columbia University Apartheid Divest […]
Activists from Students for Justice in Palestine are demonstrating today on the sundial to call attention to the recent actions of the Israeli government in Gaza. SJP is reading the names and ages of those who have lost their lives in the past few weeks. Editor’s note: This image has been altered due to safety concerns.
In the ongoing controversy regarding the Barnard College administration’s removal of the banner that SJP hoisted on the façade of Barnard Hall, many student organizations have spoken up in response, including J Street CU, LionPac, SGB, Columbia Turath, SGA, ABC, and now the Governing Board at Barnard. GBB’s statement: The mission of The Governing Board at […]
ABC just came out with a statement of unanimous support for SJP’s recent actions regarding Barnard’s banner policy and the “opaque and arbitrary treatment of student groups” by the Columbia/Barnard administration. The statement involves discussion of student groups’ role on campus, the administration’s supposed role in helping those student groups, and the policies involving group […]
This morning, SGA released a position on last month’s drama involving SJP and the Barnard administration. In case you’ve been living under a rock, the long and short of it is that SJP asked permission for and hung a banner promoting End Israeli Apartheid Week, which the administration then promptly removed. The administration said that […]
Where Art Thou: Welcome Back Edition
January 21, 2025In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024