Registration time can be a moment of crucial realization for all of us, especially when all of the sudden you feel locked in a major you don’t like/don’t feel competent enough to complete. In times of major crises, Bwog is a key source of wisdom on campus and there to remind you that you probably […]
This morning Columbia, the World Bank, and New York City Global Partners convened to discuss the role of global cities in promoting business innovation, entrepreneurship, and job growth. While some students protested the event, Bwog’s Entrepreneurial Expert Alex Eynon attended to bring you the low-down. Suits, government officials from twenty-one nations, and of course, Columbia students, streamed into Low […]
Get your employment on! The Barnard Career Fair is happening in the LeFrak Gymnasium. The networking starts now and runs until 3 PM. Business professional attire (just because your only work experience is blogging from your bedroom in your underwear doesn’t mean you have to look it) and resumes recommended. Find the list of the 100+ […]
Barnard’s first lady has just been elected to the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs, where she will serve on the Audit, Risk, Compensation and Corporate Governance and Nominating committees. As you probably know, the financial firm, chaired by powerhouse Lloyd Blankfein, has a less than pristine reputation. Last year, the SEC went after Goldman […]
We’ve been keeping an eye out for good eats and curious characters around the neighborhood, this time haranguing the locals who know business. Sarah Camiscoli sat down with Steven Kay, co-manager of Mel’s Burger Bar, in one of those fancy red booths to talk life, college, and what it means to be in business in […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025