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Posts Tagged with "mo money mo problems"

More money, more problems. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of death and violence.

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Is Joe Biden running for President? He only has nine days to register his campaign with Georgia, which has the earliest deadline for its primaries. Nobody knows for certain, but it definitely sounds like he’s posturing for the Presidency. (Washington Post) The Canadian election was yesterday, resulting in a clear majority for Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party. […]

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CCSC’s Uchechi Iteogu, Co-Chair of the Capital Investment Fund, just announced the fund’s grant winners for this year. Six clubs made the cut, out of eleven applications, and a total of $11, 235 was awarded. The four undergraduate student councils created the Capital Investment fund in September 2012 to help clubs with high equipment costs […]

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Breaking News: College students don’t always earn salaries they want; blame it on their alma mater. Columbia’s Andrew Delbanco reports. (NYT) The situation in Syria is still unclear, but it appears U.S.-funded weapons may now be reaching Syrian rebels. (NPR) An Egyptian court has frozen the assets of top Muslim Brotherhood officials, although the freeze […]

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Last night, SGA met in Barnard Hall’s James Room to discuss the crux of polite society: money. Having a rather tabula rasa mind on the subject, Maddie Ball was there to get the facts. SGA knows that paying tuition can feel a bit like throwing money into a black hole. So, to allay your fears […]

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Senior Satow Correspondents Sarah Ngu and Maren Killackey report from this week’s CCSC meeting. Topics covered at the meeting include the financial aid office, Bacchanal and their debts, along with various other policies along the way. FinAid: Student Services Rep Karishma Habbu has continued meetings with administrators from the Undergraduate Office of Financial Aid. It appears the Undergrad […]

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Tuition drama? Talk of co-sponsorships? Debt? Peter Sterne held his own at Monday night’s action-packed SGA meeting; here’s the rundown. A-Hinks stopped by to answer questions about Barnard’s new full-time enrollment policy. She stressed that Barnard has always expected students to enroll as full-time students for all eight semesters, though they have granted exceptions in […]

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Barnard’s first lady has just been elected to the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs, where she will serve on the Audit, Risk, Compensation and Corporate Governance and Nominating committees. As you probably know, the financial firm, chaired by powerhouse Lloyd Blankfein, has a less than pristine reputation. Last year, the SEC went after Goldman […]

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Tradition interrupted! Low Steps will not bear witness to the Abacchalyse. Instead, Bachannal organizers confirmed today in an email that the concert will unconventionally be held on the West Lawn in front of Butler. Columbia’s event management people made a “managerial error” and overlooked a conflict with the construction of graduation bleachers. So unless you’re […]

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The New York housing market really is insane! This flyer, spotted in McBain, offers nearly a thousand dollars each to upperclassmen willing to throw in their lot with rich but ridiculous rising sophomores. Of course, plenty of upperclassmen use freshpeople fears about the housing lottery to score some sweet suite singles, but it seems few […]

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What do we do up here? (NYU Local) MTA faked inspections. Safety first? (Gothamist) What’s so great about gold, anyway? (NPR) How much cash money can Harry Potter make in one day? A lot. (NY Daily News)

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Columbia is doing pretty well for itself uptown recently. Business School Dean Glenn Hubbard just sent BSchool students an email notifying them of the donation, which was made by Henry R. Kravis, BSchool class of 1969 and current cochair of the School’s Board of Overseers. The Uptown BSchool will be comprised of two buildings, one […]

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Columbians Jordan Schau and Justin Turetsky want you to ride their bus. For $49.99, this magic bus will take you from the Broadway gates to the Lincoln Memorial for Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity and Stephen Colbert’s March to Keep Fear Alive. It’s all happening on October 30th. How’d J&J come up with such an ingenious […]

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Everything has increased in price, but luckily, life has improved ever so slightly here in Morningside. Pastries in Nussbaum have labels. What’s life without a little bit of mystery? Mel’s fry deal: Fries are now $1.75 with a burger and soda/draft beer. (Fries are usually $4.) There’s a new mushroom salad topping at the salad bar […]

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F@CU Makes It Rain

Today is a big day! F@CU has just released their 2010-2011 allocations for your governing boards. Let’s talk big numbers and little percentages, shall we? Activities Board: $393,459 granted, 7.4% increase from last year, 4.4% cut from requested allocation, which was $411,568 Club Sports Governing Board: $206,200 granted, 17% increase from last year’s allocation, $213,800 […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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