Psych major tip 101: Never take a class in this room.
Or, to use the local lingo, it’s fucking brick.
Curious as to how cold it is? Well, you’ve come to the right post. It’s Fucking Cold, and if you aren’t sure what that implies, I’m here to tell you.
Two weeks ago, we finally acknowledged how fucking cold it was. Now we don’t know what’s happening with the weather. Is it snowing? Cloudy? Sunny? Windy? Raining? Since it’s only the beginning of February, anything could happen. But have no fear! The Bwog Staff has compiled a list of ways to stay warm for the rest of […]
It’s finally fucking cold out; and what better way to celebrate than with milkshakes? Bwog Dailies Sarah Dahl (vegetarian) and Emma Seely-Katz (vegan) couldn’t agree more, which is why they took on the 2Girls1Snack mission to review various Manhattan milkshakes. Sluuurp! Champs (vegan shakes), 197 Meserole Street, Brooklyn We were predisposed toward this place because […]
This is it. After weeks of anxious temperature-watching, our thermometers have dropped below thirty at last. And, you know what? We hate it. Bwog writer Betsy Ladyzhets explains why our current weather situation is a. terrible, and b. definitely the work of sadistic weather gods. After months of torturous back-and-forth between almost-cold weather and balmy wannabe-beach […]
Finals are looming, and the walk to Butler is becoming even more daunting as it gets colder outside. We asked our resident Northerners on staff–New Hampshirite Courtney Couillard and Massachusettsan Rachel Deal–to teach us how to survive the cold this winter and stay focused until the end of the semester. Though we New Englanders think otherwise (we’re […]
In case you weren’t well aware, it’s fucking cold outside. Our nipples are hard. Our freshly showered hair is freezing during our two minute walk to Butler. And we hate it. Bwog is tired of this miserably freezing weather. That’s why we’re going to be curled around a fire at tonight’s meeting, wearing our onesies, sipping hard warm apple cider. […]
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