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Posts Tagged with "the 118th Annual Varsity Show"

On opening night of the 118: Varsity Show, Bwog spotted Sunil Gulati and his wife in the audience.  After hearing some of the, ahem, references to the man in the course of the show, we had to hear what he thought. Bwog: Do you have a reaction to the show – and in particular, your portrayal […]

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The oft-deleted weekly CCE email from Niamh (pronounced “Neev”; it’s Irish) O’Brien contained a special surprise today—a shout-out to the 118th Varsity Show, in which she was sharply parodied by Rebekah Lowin, CC ’14, as a scheming villain who changed the Core into a series of classes on unethical businesses for future I-bankers and consultants. […]

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Overseen: Encore?

As would-be theater-goers lined up earlier today to pick up tickets for the last performance of the 118th Annual Varsity Show, Bwog found itself sappily pining for a fourth night. Anyone up for a good old-fashioned protest?

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Update: All the songs from the show are now available online. When writing a show for an audience that consists of Columbia’s entire undergraduate population, basing the plot around the Core seems like choosing the easy route: It’s something that everyone can relate to, it provides cookie-cutter jokes and references, and it’s relatively low risk. […]

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In preparation for the release of their first trailer, Bwog’s Art Editor Extraordinaire sat down with the cast and production team of V Show 118 to get a little more intimate. A transcript of what ensued follows. This year’s show runs from 4/27 to 4/29, and tickets are on sale at the TIC. Bwog: How […]

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V118 Preview Review

Bwog squeezed in to the back room of Havana Central last night for the Varsity Show preview. Always willing to yield an unsolicited and uninformed opinion for just about anything, we summarized our staff’s general consensus in the following review. The preview kicked off with an immediately stale #OccupyButler themed musical number, and we were quickly flooded […]

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It’s that time of year again, when probably the only Broadway-style musical you will go to this year comes around. Rather than wallow in Butler, venture across Broadway for another type of entertainment: the annual preview of the 118th Annual Varsity Show, tonight at Havana Central the much more romantically named West End Havana Central! […]

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For the 118th time in Columbia’s illustrious history, the Varsity Show is holding auditions for singers, dancers, actors, and generally talented students to participate in (you guessed it), the Varsity Show! This oldest of Columbia performing arts traditions has featured many famous alums in its day, including Rodgers and Hammerstein and more recently, Jenny Slate (the […]

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Live, from Roone Arledge Auditorium, it’s the creative team for the 118th Annual Varsity Show! The producers of V117 have just announced the students responsible for creating this year’s edition of the VShow, and their credentials seem pretty impressive. Director: Alex Hare, CC ’13 – Director of XMAS! 5 and the upcoming CMTS Musical Revue, […]

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