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Posts Tagged with "Student Affairs Committee"

In light of the Columbia Administration’s controversial decision to banish Orgo Night from Butler 209, Bwog sent Staff Writer Sarah Kinney to sit in on the December meeting of the University Setting to see if PrezBo had any insight to offer on the matter. Also, read on until the end to see a very exciting announcement (unless […]

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PrezBo began the last University Senate plenary of the year with a collection of remarks on current events. On the passing of Bill Campbell “There was no more dedicated alumn of Columbia than Bill,” said PrezBo about the long-time Columbia trustee who died recently. “He really knew how to make organizations work,” said PrezBo. “When […]

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The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) of the University Senate announced changes today to the Interschool Governing Board (IGB), the organization that funds groups composed of both undergrads and grad students. With these changes, a member of SAC will set on the executive board of the IGB. “Other key constitutional revisions include adding a graduate administrator to […]

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GS students are, despite their relatively greater age and “maturity,” college students just like the rest of us. They like to have fun, cause some amiable mischief, and create an all around friendly environment. That’s why Bwog student government liaison Joe Milholland was witness to a fun prank from them this week as well as discussion […]

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Ch-ch-changes abound for CCSC and its bylaws…and there’s a dose of classic obliviousness too. Expert Joe Milholland reports back from the jungle of bureaucracy that is student government.  Along with grammatical changes and lengthy discussions on how long they should allow discussions to run, the Columbia College Student Council made some notable changes to its […]

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Yesterday, the University Senate’s Student Affairs Committee elected this year’s Chair and Vice-Chairs–Marc Heinrich (CC ’16) will serve as Chair of the committee, and Emily Moore (SEAS Graduate School) and Ramis Wadood (CC ’16) will serve as Vice-Chairs. You can read the full press release below: Student Affairs Committee Elects Leadership for 2015-2016 Academic Year […]

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Plenary Pal Maud Rozee attended the University Senate’s most recent plenary. It reminded her of The Simpson’s parody of the Star Wars prequels, because both involved boring senate meetings. If you came to this article looking for thrills, well, you should probably go outside and get a taco or something. Just a friendly warning. Unfortunately, […]

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