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Posts Tagged with "McBizzle"

Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Bwog’s got you covered; we’ll be rolling out two housing reviews per day until no residence hall is left un-reviewed. Prepare to get (even more) excited: this year, we’re reviewing Barnard residence halls, too. Reviews for all! Today’s […]

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As the spring semester marches on and housing looms nearer, Bwog would like to scare the shit out of remind rising sophomores that Carman 2.0 McBain, unlike it’s cozy and air-conditioned first-year equivalent, is sometimes a disgusting hellhole. We were sent this image from a tipster, complete with the caption: “Look at this stuff–isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you […]

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In Defense Of: McBain

Tomorrow morning is the beginning of sophomore suite selection. Rising sophomores, your housing options will pretty much be Schapiro, Wien, Nussbaum, Broadway, or the most notorious of sophomore dorms, sometimes known as Carman 2.0, occasionally called McBizzzzz, often referred to as a pit/dump/hellhole: McBain. The distant noises of sophomore selection are all singing the same […]

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Location: 562 W. 113th Nearby dorms: McBain is a member of The Block. It shares 113th with Watt, Symposium, and Nussbaum. Hogan and Broadway are one block north. Stores and restaurants: Right above a Chase ATM, Deluxe, Milano Market, Campo Il Cibreo Amigos, and Oren’s. Oh, and the infamous Cardomat (now closed). Across the street is Nussbaum & Wu, Community, and […]

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The McBain residence hall is known for a number of astonishing qualities: beautiful views of Manhattan a disgusting ventilation shaft, a grandiose history (Meghan McCain – for real!?), and a sophisticated cultured exciting bat shit crazy party scene. If by bat shit crazy you mean tinged with the faint scent of desperation. There’s no doubt […]

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BwogSex is back and steamier than ever with a dispatch from the front lines of roommate run-ins and coed cunnilingus—McBain. Below, a mischievous Moaning Myrtle takes us on a tour of the sordid late night happenings in the already sordid shower stalls. We also want to hear about your Columbia mishaps and multiple orgasms, so […]

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Rejoice, dear readers, because your favorite combination of food reviews and shock porn references, 2Girls1Snack, is back! In this edition, intrepid snackers Alexandra Eynon and Alison Herman leave no avocado pit unturned in their tireless quest for Morningside’s most holy guacamole. Tacqueria y Fonda $7.50 with chips. Tacqueria y Fonda’s guacamole was by far the […]

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