Once Dean of Columbia College, Prof. Michelle Moody-Adams, has a new commentary piece in The Chronicle of Higher Education wherein she suggests a new vision for supporting educational opportunities in underserved segments of society. Interestingly, MMA criticizes the traditional approach to affirmative action as fundamentally flawed: It has sometimes been argued that affirmative action would have […]
Michele Moody-Adams may have only been dean for a scant two years, but she has undoubtedly made her mark in Columbia history. Bwog’s Peter Sterne takes us through the short time she spent as Dean of Columbia College. When Michele Moody-Adams was first named as Columbia College’s new dean in February 2009, The New York […]
It’s a meaty Bwoglines today, but real things are happening, and we gotta keep you informed! The Department of City Planning has given Columbia’s new Baker Field plan 11-1 approval, allowing it to reserve only 1.5 percent of its property to public waterfront access instead of the usual 15 percent. Because the Inwood Community Board […]
Last night, Conor Skelding stopped by the second of three hearings organized by USenate’s Task Force on Military Engagement. These hearings mark the preliminary stage of the USenate investigation into ROTC’s potential return. Students of CC, BC, GS, SEAS, and SIPA will soon receive a poll by email. Good turnout at at last night’s hearing! Unlike […]
It’s freezing outside, everyone’s getting sick, and finals loom near… which can only mean that it’s time to light up the trees, surround ourselves with song and dance, drink warm drinks and have MiMoo try to make everyone feel happy, sane and loved again! It’s worth braving the cold for some hot cocoa, cider, cookies, […]
Orientation Day One is hardly over yet—there’s still Class Act to see, Gates to run through, and high fives not to give. Here are some scenes from the first eight hours of this long trek of a day. 2014, you kids look good out there. Welcome! Pictures and video of Day One to come. Send […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025