[Sam Schube] alerts us that six sanitation trucks are lined up on Broadway and 113th–EXACTLY of like that scene in Die Hard with a Vengeance when $140 billion of gold is carted away in dump trucks. A word to the wise: keep an eye on your bricks, friends.
Club Dimensions, in consort with Club Bangla and the Kraft Family Fund will be showing an animated film at 8:00 PM tonight in the Lerner Cinema. It tells the Indian epic of Ramayana using joke-cracking shadow puppets (snarky shadow puppets?). Plus there will be FREE ROTI ROLL served BEFORE the event. Assume that means there […]
The next time you forget your ID and get turned away from Butler, remember: when Argentine President Cristina Kirchner came to visit, campus security apparently refused to let her NYPD escort enter Low. The officer, probably grateful to escape, instead took the opportunity to snap a picture of the steps. More common, but also more […]
For several years, cinephiles hoping to use Butler’s growing DVD collection (now over 10,000 titles) were forced to watch the DVDs inside the library, without being able to borrow them. But last year’s otherwise-unfortunate demise of Kim’s Video and Music has finally yielded one big benefit: parts of its collection have made it into the […]
Image courtesy of A few days ago, Columbia was kindly informed about an outbreak of meningitis at our beloved weekend trip destination, UPenn. Well, the week has ambled onwards, and still the dirge of meningitis hums over us. Meanwhile, a graduate student at the UPenn petri dish has reportedly contracted measles and our […]
Picking out a date movie can be tough, and with Valentine’s Day weekend here already, you don’t have too much time left to select something the two of you will both enjoy. Bwog knows as well as you do that the right movie can make all the difference, and since she has no date this […]
Now that Netflix streaming movies are available to Mac users, far greater numbers of Columbia students have begun exploring the wonderful “Watch Instantly!” world. They’re also probably learning — as PC users did months ago — that Netflix’s catalog of streaming content is largely a grab-bag of B-movies and obscure television series sprinkled with the […]
Remember how James Franco is actually an actor? Well, it’s time to get your holiday cheer on early because Franco is starring alongside Sean Penn in Milk, the story of California’s first openly gay elected official. Franco is playing a hippie (for a change) who becomes Milk‘s campaign manager. The film, opening today, will be […]
Several tipsters have sent in sightings of a film crew that’s been causing quite the stir outside the Bon French Cleaners. Bwog Daily Editor Justin Vlasits was on the scene earlier today, and he believes it to be a “low budget action movie.” (Note the old-timey green police car after the jump.) Vlasits also reports […]
Bwog’s guide to Movie Rentals has returned! We’re not sure where you’re going to actually rent these films (Butler?), but we hear the Internet has a nice selection for downloading. Film correspondent Mark Hay reports. Every time I launch Firefox, I cannot escape the face persistently plastered all over my homepage. Sarah. Palin. Palin, Palin, […]
The good people at Ferris Reel want you to know that Ferris Reel is back, again, but really! There’s “new leadership” and “lots of fun ideas,” according to Colin Drummond, who is one third of the new leadership. The first screening of the semester is Thursday at 9 PM, and it’s going to be WALL-E, […]
You may remember that almost-dearly-departed Kim’s bequeathed its media collection to Columbia. Some have wondered whether this huge collection (40-50,000 titles) will lead to Butler actually allowing students to take DVDs and videos out of the library. Currently, the Butler media desk keeps your ID instead, and free rentals haven’t been allowed in at least a […]
Exciting news for heartbroken Kim’s devotees: Bwog just spoke to a lady at the Butler reserves desk, and it seems many movies from the ill-fated video store are being re-located to Butler’s media collection. The Butler employee says she’s not sure what exactly they’re acquiring and when, but does think it’s going to be “a […]
Happy Olympics, Columbia! It’s that time again for (undangerous) nationalism and spectacle and sport. To help get you in the spirit, Weekend Rental correspondent Brandon Hammer has suggested three Olympics films. GO USA! Chariots of Fire (1981): [Cue the theme music.] Winner of four Academy Awards including Best Picture, Chariots of Fire is perhaps the […]
As I was without an Internet connection for the past week, I ended up watching a lot of television news. And while hearing about Barack Obama’s every move and every analyst’s baseless prediction of the day is fun for… well, really not all that long, here are some movies about the news are much more […]
Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
February 11, 2025Speak Now: Joan Jonas
February 10, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
February 8, 2025Marginalia: The Bibles Of Butler
February 8, 2025