Well, not you specifically, but people you may know. New York Magazine interviewed seniors Bryan Reid, Sam Reisman, and Jesse Horwitz about the best spots around Columbia. Establishments mentioned include Max Caffe (“Hang, Read, and Drink Coffee”) 1020 (“Pickup Spot”) La Negrita (“The Happening Bar”[?]) and Roti Roll (“Late-Night Munchies”). The Observer, on the other […]
Look which local bookshop has made New York Magazine‘s recent quasi-advertorial article thing about how to be “independent”: it’s Morningside Books! Says New York: The Crowd: Caters to the Upper West Side’s erudite collectors (with first editions from Jimmy Breslin, Updike, etc.) as well as cost-averse Columbia students (a wall’s worth of Penguin Classics). Sample […]
As one commenter pointed out, this week’s New York Magazine Daily Intelligencer section features a short piece that references an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that speculates that Joseph Massad might be up for a second round of tenure review. Both the New York piece and the Chronicle piece have no on-the-record information […]
vs. Today, New York Magazine‘s blog the Daily Intelligencer linked to a Dartmouth student blog that calculated the number of drinking infractions per Ivy League college. Fratty and backwoods-y, Dartmouth was naturally crowned champion. Our fair Alma Mater, came in second to last, just narrowly beating out Penn. New York theorizes that this number […]
Check newsstands tomorrow, and you’ll see something familiar: a shiny New York Magazine cover story digesting the last 40 years of crazy activism at Columbia, featuring glamour shots of David Judd, Chris Kulawik, Karina Garcia and a smattering of other rabblerousers. Take a seat, because it’s a doozy, reaching back to the SDS protests of […]
Columbia student (and Spec style editor) Xiyin Tang ’09 was featured in New York magazine’s feature “Say Everything,” discussing her use of LiveJournal and, of course, Facebook. “Xiyin clicks to her Facebook profile, which features 88 photos… ‘To me, or to a lot of people, it’s like, why go to a party if you’re not going […]
In this week’s issue of New York Magazine, Provost and American History professor Alan Brinkley follows in the steps of department collegue Eric Foner by slamming President Bush. Brinkley’s commentary is a part of the issue’s “psychopolitical survey” in which “a team of historians, Oval Office veterans, and psychotherapists tries to figure out whether Bush […]
1) If you’ve been ignoring your inbox lately, you probably haven’t heard that Columbia will be graced with the presence of the MIT linguistics expert, sometimes-anarchist, and general wise old man, Noam Chomsky. First, Chomsky will speak about Renaissance man Harold Pinter (weird, no?) for five dollars at Miller Theatre. But if you’d rather hear […]
As if you didn’t already have enough reason to go, Rack & Soul–the newish fried chicken place on Broadway at 109th–has ranked a respectable 47th on New York Magazine’s invaluable Best Cheap Eats list. In the other direction, on 131st st., Dinosaur BBQ came in 65th. Because, you know, Manhattan above 96th is only good […]
New York Magazine has been collecting a little senior wisdom of its own, polling 100 of this year’s grads on issues ranging from the great books to Hillary’s judgment of our generation. Bwog is skeptical of some of the responses: 28% of you expect to make over a quarter million a year in a decade? […]
Prestige-obsessed Columbians should be pleased to hear that 3 2 3 of the 5 most influential “idea-makers” in New York (as ranked by New York Magazine) work at Columbia! Everyone else should at least get some morbid thrill to know that on said magazine’s list of the 5 most influential New Yorkers in education, our […]
According to an article in New York magazine, the Bwog won’t have to worry about money after graduation, because we’ll be making bank with this newfangled web log, so long as we completely uppend the Blog power structure, that is. We’ll take all y’all on, blogitches!
Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
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March 6, 2025Quiz: Which Butler Archetype Are You?
March 5, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025