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Posts Tagged with "columbia profs in the news"

Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean science isn’t happening at Columbia! Scientists at Columbia are growing heart and bone tissue. An NPR reporter went to the lab, interviewed researchers, and made a really cool and informative video about it that includes footage of heart tissue beating like a real heart. Perhaps most amazing is the […]

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Believe it or not, Columbia scientists actually have better things to do than Frontiers. Bwog presents a review of Columbia’s week in science. Headlines were compiled by Ricky Raudales, who may or may not have submitted the hawk-themed short. One panel of judges at last week’s Tribeca Film Festival included two familiar scientists, Stuart Firestein […]

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Brace yourselves for The (Less) Social Network Part II: Gratuitous Hashtags. Some allegations about Twitter’s beginnings have been made and it doesn’t look like it’ll play out in less that 140 characters. #SoMuchDrama (Business Insider, NYMag) Kobe Bryant was fined $100,000 over a homophobic slur he made to a ref during a game on Tuesday. […]

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We’ve all been trying to keep tabs on the current situation in Japan. Bwog wants to help you make sense of the headlines, and who better to ask than our own faculty? We have one of the oldest and most renowned East Asian studies departments in the country, and a slew of scientists cited across […]

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Foner Gets Phallic

There’s nothing Bwog loves more than to wake up to a boner joke. Aren’t you glad we said “joke” at the end of that? Anyway, Columbia’s very own superstar Professor Eric Foner stopped by The Colbert Report again (!) to discuss his new book “The Fiery Trial.” But before he even began to share his […]

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When they’re not busy talking about boobs and mavericks, your profs are offering their wisdom outside the lecture hall. Geniuses walk among us common folk! Below, we’ve compiled their thoughts, heard and read across the media, on the recent developments in Tunisia, Egypt and Syria. Hamid Dabashi, Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature – […]

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Our very own NoCo may have “the most elegant aluminum siding in America.” But seriously, people like it. (NYT) It really is hard out there for a pimp.  The internet is changing the face of the NYC sex trade, argues sociology prof Sudhir Venkatesh. According to one ex-pimp: “You learn one thing,” he said. “For […]

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There’s more to Columbia faculty than cute nicknames and good music taste. They also invent, prod, design and destroy all kinds of nifty things. In our newest feature, Bwog takes a moment to look back at this week’s science news, from the ultra-specific to the just-plain wacky. The headlines were compiled by our Northern Side […]

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Columbia’s own Brian Greene has just released his 4th book of popular science, titled The Hidden Reality. In it, Greene provides the latest theory surrounding the multiverse. Wait… do you ever think like, in another world, you are writing Bwoglines and I am reading them? (WSJ) So like, you saw the blizzard on Wednesday from your window, but- […]

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Because Antoine Dodson is getting his own show! Bwog predicts several new techno remixes to follow. (NY Daily News) And, kids these days are getting high on bath salts! No, seriously! (Gawker) And also, there are primates on College Walk! Well, not exactly. But there were. Sort of. One 2011 Sundance documentary explores the experience […]

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This morning, the Supreme Court denied a writ of certiorari to Tuck-It-Away and the Singhs, the last parties opposing the Manhattanville expansion scheme, meaning that they will not be considering the case (official court order list from 12/13 here). This formally ends any possible legal opposition to New York State’s use of eminent domain, and […]

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Well, not you specifically, but people you may know. New York Magazine interviewed seniors Bryan Reid, Sam Reisman, and Jesse Horwitz about the best spots around Columbia. Establishments mentioned include Max Caffe (“Hang, Read, and Drink Coffee”) 1020 (“Pickup Spot”) La Negrita (“The Happening Bar”[?]) and Roti Roll (“Late-Night Munchies”). The Observer, on the other […]

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Last December, when the Blue and White interviewed Nobel laureate and Columbia professor Joseph Stiglitz, we entitled it “The Fortuneteller.” Now, according to Newsweek, though many economists also admire Stiglitz’s predictive abilities, he’s not getting any love in Washington. Calling him “the most misunderstood man in America,” Newsweek contrasts Stiglitz’s reputation overseas, where “he is […]

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History Professor David Eisenbach, who served as communications director for Mike “I’m bat-shit insane and running for President” Gravel, is about to make it big. He announced via an email to, as far as we can tell, his entire address book that he will finally fulfill his life’s dream this Sunday. What do history professors […]

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James Hansen spoke out against global warming twenty years ago. Now he’s raising a (peaceful) army. Hansen, head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and an adjunct professor at Columbia’s Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, has issued an invitation to “the largest mass civil disobedience for the climate in U.S. history.” On Monday, March 2, Capitol […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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