In Audrey’s SW, there are three class recommendations and perhaps a new woman-behind-the-Millie…
Hattie Jean Shaw clearly seized the day during her time at Columbia; learn how she did it by reading her Senior Wisdom!
As we enter our final day of Senior Wisdoms, we give you some graduating Bwoggers and their life advice. First up is “ex-various” Eric Cohn, who covered some of the most real and least real news in Bwog’s history. Today, he brings you advice on listening, self-care, and getting over your cheese addiction. Name, School, Major, […]
USenator, Loyal Friend, and feckless comment-reader Marc Heinrich wants to endow you procrastinators with some wisdom. He talks work-life balance, leadership, and asbestos, among other topics. Check out our other wisdoms for more ruminations. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Marc Heinrich, Columbia College, Political Science & History, New York, NY Claim to fame: University Senator, AEPi […]
Ahh, the gingerbread house. A symbol of holiday traditions, and also of Hansel and Gretel’s near-death experience at the hands of a witch. Bwoggers Lila Etter, Mia Lindheimer, and Phoebe Newton decided to get into the holiday spirit this weekend by making (or attempting to make) a gingerbread house. But this house has an added […]
We’re resurrecting the Night In The Life series, except this time we’re doing it with an administrative twist. Bwog correspondent Anna Hotter drew up a timeline for what she thinks Deantini is up to after hours… Read below to see Deantini’s own admiration for Columbia Admirers and to fully understand Deantini’s reaction re: Prezbo’s personal invitation to […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025