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Posts Tagged with "baking with bwog"

It’s quarantine and everyone seems to be whipping up homemade bread and baked goods… get on the bandwagon and whip up some of your own fresh pitches.

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It may have been 4/20 yesterday, but we don’t smoke. Bwog is already high all the time… on life! Bakers/staffers Sarah Dahl and Timmy Wu wanted brownies, and they made them. The safe way. We decided to use an old/ancient family recipe from Sarah. After some initial texting confusion (Timmy: We need to bake. Sarah: […]

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It’s nice when you can bake something sweet that also seems mildly healthy. It’s even better when you don’t have to pay (directly) for some of the ingredients! With a few Ferris bananas (thanks @CU Dining!) senior staffer Sarah Dahl cooked up some delicious banana bread. My mom has a go-to banana bread recipe, which she […]

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Halloweekend is upon us and in full swing. To celebrate, Deputies Lila Etter and Mia Lindheimer decided to do a gruesome Baking With Bwog. Hopefully their baking is not the most frightening thing about it.  We were feeling spooky this Friday. Maybe it was the beginning of Halloweekend. Or maybe it was the fact that […]

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Two weeks in, and feelin’ fine. Or maybe not so fine. Not sure how you’re all feeling at this point in the semester, but we thought it was high time for the first BWB of the year. In all honesty, we were feeling a little homesick this week, so we took one Bwogger’s advice. What […]

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Did your parents send you a fuckload of peeps in your Easter basket? If not, aka if your parent’s don’t love you, did you go down to Duane Reade and buy them all yourself at half price? Either way, you’ve got a lot of peeps. We feel you. We’re here for you (just like JC, […]

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Twitter. “SexyBack.” High School Musical. Dick in a Box. What do all of these lovely things have in common? They turn ten this year! In other news, Bwog also turns ten this year, so our resident Baker-Bwoggers decided to celebrate by making a birthday cake. Classic. The twist? It’s (Columbia?) blue velvet! Ingredients Duncan Hines […]

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You’ve probably figured out by now that Bwog is obsessed with brownies. At this point, we might as well rename the segment “Brownies with Bwog.” For this week’s installment of BWB, the Baker-Bwogger team decided to teach you how to make another round ~special brownies~ … “special” this time because they’re specially designed to help […]

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Back in October, three Baker Bwoggers made “special” brownies – special in the sense that they contained pretzels and caramel. Two months later, after a semester at college and in the midst of finals, other Bwog staff writers decided it was high time to make some really special brownies. And by “really special,” we mean with oregano. It’s […]

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Ahh, the gingerbread house. A symbol of holiday traditions, and also of Hansel and Gretel’s near-death experience at the hands of a witch. Bwoggers Lila Etter, Mia Lindheimer, and Phoebe Newton decided to get into the holiday spirit this weekend by making (or attempting to make) a gingerbread house. But this house has an added […]

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With fall quickly approaching, Baker Bwoggers Courtney Couillard, Lila Etter, and another staffer spent an afternoon working on a fun baking project to share with all of you amateur college cookers. Upon deciding what to bake, we knew we wanted to go with a classic. But not just some boring version—something that had a bougie edge […]

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