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Posts Tagged with "occupy"

Stop by the Lerner ramps this afternoon from 1 to 3 pm for Occupy CU’s champagne study break. It’s all part of a new strategy, Bwog was told, to broaden membership and boost participation by making Occupy events as similar to I-banking recruitment dinners as possible. “Whatever works, amiright?” theorized an organizer in a tip […]

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The Grammys were last night!  Adele learned you can take an awful break-up and parlay it into 6 awards, viewers learned who Bonny Bear Bon Iver is, and Nicki Minaj pissed off Italian grandmothers everywhere. (Reuters, Fox News) Though our Occupy class never came to fruition, students at other universities are getting schooled in the […]

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You’ve already read everything on Bwog and you still have an entire problem set to finish. Don’t worry, we’ve got an article from The Columbia Political Review to get your mind off those Finite State Machines, or whatever. Here’s another addition to BwogSalon, our feature where we showcase fine works from other recent campus writings. If you’d […]

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Another alum here and I echo this sentiment! #GoodRiddance I am so glad Minouche resigned because it should not have (read more)
Columbia President Minouche Shafik Announces Resignation, Interim President Announced
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