Need to impress someone in your class but struggling with the restrictions of distance and quarantine? We’ve gotcha covered.
Now that all classes are taking place over the online wonderland that is Zoom, we students have limitless possibilities to creatively multitask.
The statues scattered across our campus represent more than just our University’s rich and distinguished history. They are reflective of our community as a whole. Well, at least those of us who dwell among the Tindersphere.
Have you ever ascended the ramps in Lerner, captivated by the high-resolution photographs of our stellar athletes? Have you ever wondered about the TRUTH behind the photos? Wonder no more! Two Bwoggers have figured out what is going on inside their heads.
With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, you’ve possibly found yourself DUMPED. Have no fear, Bwog is here! Allow this playlist to escort you on a journey through the four stages of recovery in this difficult time.
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025