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Posts Tagged with "Prez BO"

Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below, and the full list is after the jump. If you notice any events that have been left off the […]

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Obama releases his birth certificate. The Guardian LIVEBLOGS IT. (The Guardian) Trump’s actual election chances are not good. (NYMag) A hacker got information of 77 million people who play online videogames through Sony’s Playstation. (WSJ) Atheists want to become chaplains in the military. (NYT) Cops foil the Westboro Baptist Church, probably illegally. (Gawker) NYC tries […]

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Cheers to a fairly successful effort to get Obama on campus, in some capacity. Though smaller in scope than some endeavors, ESC 2014 t-shirts do at least get the job done. Silly engineers, Obama went to the College! OR DID HE…? On an unrelated note, here is a picture of Obama as a pirate. Adorbs. […]

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Bwog hops a lot—it’s how we get our exercise! This week, we kept up with our New Year’s Resolution and lecturehopped our way over to the Italian Academy to the 14th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Form: Crisis in State Budgets. Bwog Budget Bureau Chief (seriously, someone has to regulate our snack […]

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Our very own “Colombia University,” President Obama’s alma mater, seems to play a fascinating role in determining his real birth place.

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Congress avoids a full government shutdown and passes a last-minute budget deal that plans to cut $38 million from federal spending. While Planned Parenthood and other groups that provide abortions should go relatively unharmed, President Obama admits that “some of the cuts accepted by Democrats ‘will be painful.'” (NYT) Columbia superstar professor of mathematics and […]

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What floor is the "one half a double" and "full double" picture taken on? (read more)
Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2022: Furnald
August 19, 2024
Another alum here and I echo this sentiment! #GoodRiddance I am so glad Minouche resigned because it should not have (read more)
Columbia President Minouche Shafik Announces Resignation, Interim President Announced
August 16, 2024

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