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Posts Tagged with "budget"

Mostly pleasant Bwoglines were ruined by Eric Adams’s budget cuts.

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Last year, the Columbia Postdoctoral Workers (CPW) and the Columbia chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) hired a professional to analyze Columbia’s finances to get the truth about its budget. Earlier this week, CPW and AAUP presented the professional’s findings.

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Fair warning: You might need to grab your friendly neighborhood econ major to translate.

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Barnard SGA emblem via Bwog Archives

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We all have to watch our spending as students but it turns out that the SGA puts even more thought into their budgets than we do! Staff Writer Liv Nelson reports.

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Be on the lookout for the December issue of The Blue & White, arriving on campus this week. In the meantime, Bwog will honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting features from the upcoming issue. Such treats include a discussion of Occupy Wall Street with Columbia professor Todd Gitlin, a look at Columbia’s proposal for a new […]

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Our Magnificent Muckraker Sarah Ngu and Graphics God Stephen Davan have teamed up to dissect CCSC’s fall budget. Bwog is holding student government accountable like never before. Update (10/11): CCSC has put together an informational video with VP Kevin of Funding Kevin Zhai, to explain exactly where CCSC’s money comes from, and where it goes. Kevin Zhai, […]

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Congress avoids a full government shutdown and passes a last-minute budget deal that plans to cut $38 million from federal spending. While Planned Parenthood and other groups that provide abortions should go relatively unharmed, President Obama admits that “some of the cuts accepted by Democrats ‘will be painful.'” (NYT) Columbia superstar professor of mathematics and […]

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Bwog’s ESC Correspondent Sean Zimmermann writes from tonight’s meeting: Chad Miller, the Arts Initiative’s Event and Outreach Coordinator opened ESC’s meeting this week. Miller confirmed that the TIC has been asked to cut 30% of their budget by the Office of the President. The cut was not ordered by the School of the Arts. The […]

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